28-Year-Old Stabbed To Death In NYC Alleged LGBTQ Hate Crime

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Source: GoFundMe /Sage O. Dumure Versailles/Facebook

American society in 2023 has a lot of problems and many times the source of those problems comes down to one thing: people are way too concerned with the lives of other people and how they live. This country would be a much more peaceful place if people would STFU and mind their business, but alas…

O’Shae Sibley was a 28-year-old dancer and choreographer who moved to New York City three years ago to pursue his love of the arts professionally. He spent his time cultivating those ambitions at the Ailey Extension, a subsidiary of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. According to CBS News, on Saturday, July 29, Sibley was stabbed to death at a NYC gas station. NYPD investigators say a 17-year-old high school student is responsible.

Sibley’s friend and “brother” Otis Pena was a witness to the murder and took to Facebook to explain what happened that night. Below is a a collage of photos from the scene that a grieving Pena posted over the weekend.

*We warn you that the images are graphic..*

Pena says that he and a group of friends pulled over for gas and began dancing and voguing to Beyoncé’s Renaissance album when the teenager began making homophobic remarks.

A surveillance video has been released that shows the confrontation and the subsequent stabbing. Police thought it might be helpful for the public to see as they were actively searching for the person responsible.


Rest in peace to O’Shae Sibley. Rest in hell to the teen who killed him. We hope and pray that hard times in prison await him. If you wish to donate to O’Shae’s GoFundMe, click here.

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