5 Dangers Black coeds should watch out for to avoid date rape

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Black female college students are obliged to make themselves aware of the five risk factors that can put them at risk for date rape. By being aware of these five things, you can take steps to protect yourself and avoid a dangerous situation.

1. Be aware of your surroundings.
We can’t overemphasize the importance of being aware of your surroundings. Whether you’re walking through a dark alley at night or just crossing the street, it’s crucial to be aware of what’s
going on around you. If you’re not paying attention, you could easily become the victim of crime or accident.
So be alert, be aware, and stay safe.

2. Don’t drink too much.
If you’re going to be drinking, make sure you don’t drink too much. Drinking too much can not only make you sick but can also lead to impairments in your judgment and reaction time. This
can make it more difficult to make good decisions and can increase your risk of getting into a car accident or getting hurt.

3. Don’t accept drinks from strangers.
One of the best ways to stay safe in a social setting is to not accept drinks from strangers. This includes not accepting drinks from people you don’t know well, including co-workers or classmates. If you’re out with friends, only accept drinks from people you trust.

4. Make sure your drink is not tampered with. Consider the following scenario:
Alice was relieved when she finally arrived at the party. She had been looking forward to it all week and was looking forward to catching up with her old friends. As she entered the house,
she was greeted by a smiling hostess. The hostess handed Alice a drink, and Alice quickly took a sip. She was about to ask the hostess where her friends were when she realized that something was wrong. Her drink tasted strange, and she suddenly felt lightheaded.

Alice tried to tell the hostess what was wrong, but she was already feeling too weak to speak. She quickly realized that her drink had been tampered with, and that she was in danger. She
had to get out of there before it was too late. She did and she counts herself among the lucky ones.

5. Don’t go home with someone you don’t know.
When I was younger, I would often go out with friends to bars and clubs. I would always be on the lookout for someone to go home with at the end of the night. I didn’t want to go home alone, and I thought that going home with someone was the easiest way to avoid that. I was wrong.
I ended up going home with a lot of guys that I didn’t know, and most of them were not good experiences. I was either sexually assaulted, or I woke up the next morning feeling really used. I
eventually learned that it’s better to go home alone than to go home with someone you don’t know. You don’t know what that person might be capable of, and you could end up in a dangerous situation.

If you want to avoid going home with someone you don’t know, make sure you have a plan for getting home. Make sure you have a friend or family member you can call or take a taxi or Uber. If you’re feeling really drunk or high, it’s best to just call a taxi and go home that way. You’re better off safe than sorry.

If you are out with someone you don’t know well, be sure to let friends or family know where you are and what time you are expected home. It is also important to be aware of your own behavior. If you are drunk or high, you are more likely to be taken advantage of. If you are out with someone and they start to make you feel uncomfortable, leave and find a friend to help you get home.

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