A Black Cleopatra Causing Uproar Among Towel Head Egyptians. : ThyBlackMan.com

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Well, Here you go African Americans with the true felling of Egyptians and middle eastern people towards our community where as the simple appearance of a black woman as Cleopatra aka “The Whore of Egypt” who slept her way to the top with the Roman Conquerors and Killers of their new conquered and pillage foreign lands. So having a black woman as the representation of an Egyptian Queen Cleopatra has shown the true colors and racial tendencies of the middle eastern community toward black people and towards black Africans in general.

Cleopatra was an Egyptian promiscuous woman who attempted to save her kingdom from been conquer and or destroyed by the Roman Empire and other foreign invaders making their way to their deserted border lands; where, Cleopatra used her body and sexual appeal to seduce, manipulate, control and emasculate the greatest Roman Emperor Julius Cesar and commander of the Roman Legions Marc Anthony. The portrayal of Cleopatra in the Netflix series is portrayed by a multi talented actress Adele James who is a half breed (half white, half black) but stronger than both just like a Lycan. Her acceptance of this role has made her and Netflix the target of attack by Racist Egyptians people but more so, racist attacks by  the Egyptian government and their military. Yes, even the Egyptian military is upset about having a black skin woman portrayed as Cleopatra, that they are willing to go war with Netflix and Black America..

Now, When the first Cleopatra movies and novels came out back in the year 1934, the role was given to a racist European American woman she devil name Claudette Colbert who was a Nazi Sympathizer and who knew little about Egypt and care less about the life of the actual Cleopatra. Secondly, in 1963 we had another European American woman, named Elizabeth Taylor who also did not give a Damm about the Egyptians culture and or their religious and cultural beliefs: Yet, there was no uproar, anger, riots or lawsuit against Racist  America for portraying a Caucasian American woman as the Egyptian Cleopatra Queen; thus far, tainting and tarnishing the Egyptian culture with the role been given to a racist woman.

Today, we see how quick the racist middle eastern and Arab world reacts to Netflix making  an historical remake of the Cleopatra movies with the primary actors and actress been multiracial and non Egyptians. Indeed, the Egyptian government seen a half black and half Caucasian woman portrait Cleopatra has resulted in their preparation for war with the use of their military forces against Netflix and against African Americans out of their fear, disdained and prejudice towards the African American community; even though, Mrs. Adele James is half white. So what does this tell you Black America?

My Fellow African Americans this should be a wake up call to swallow any pills and realize that no one in the world wants us around or in their spaces. We have been at war with every other race and community since yesterday, today, tomorrow, always and forever until we make a move for the better or for the worst. It is time for our African community, our black people, our Halfbreeds or Lycans to step away and aside from other races and create our own safe spaces for us and for nobody else. We are to stop socializing and Kumbaya with any other races that does not look like us, think like us, suffered like us and were not enslave and oppress for over 400 years like us.

With that said, Who cares if Cleopatra was African or European, it is just a movie with a different variation compare to the two originals movies were the actresses where known racist Caucasian women and no one had a problem with it; but, as soon as the role was giving to a half breed with dark skin then the world and Racist America has a problem and  are demanding for revenge; even, as far as preparing to go to war with their Egyptian military command demanding immediate answers or else. Well, I guess the mere skin color of a black man or black woman make the entire world tremble!

Finally, it is time for the African American community to wake up and realize that we will never be accepted by these people or by our own American government; therefore, it is time to separate, segregate and become independent from Racist America by controlling what we do and what we have  and own such as our $2 trillion black dollar and spending power.  Our money and wealth in our community should only be spend with our black businesses. No black dollar should touch or enter any middle eastern store, No black dollars should go into the hands and pockets of middle eastern and Arab business owners, No black dollars should be use to buy or purchase anything from Middle eastern, Arabs and those who support or invest in these racist towel heads Muslims.

Staff Writer; Eugenio Stewart

One may contact this brother at; islam4infinity@yahoo.com.

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