Afro Puerto Rican bomba songs for children

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Raquel M. Ortiz has released the album “Que vengan los niños,” a series of Afro Puerto Rican bomba songs for children that are sung in Spanish and English, and some are also bilingual. The album was created in collaboration with William Cepeda, a four-time Grammy-nominated Latin Jazz legend, composer, and educator. The 12 songs range in topics from the beauty of the island of Puerto Rico to animals, bomba music, and Boricua pride in the USA, and incorporate traditional Latin American children’s songs. Four of the songs are inspired by Ortiz’s children’s picture books and two theater productions. Ortiz will perform the entire album on Saturday, April 29, at the Brooklyn Public Library’s Dweck Center in the Central Library (10 Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn) from 1 p.m.–2 p.m. Children will receive a copy of “When Julia Danced Bomba” and educational materials.

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