‘Akon City’ Gets Ultimatum To Start Building Or Lose Land

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by Nahlah Abdur-Rahman

Senegalese lawmakers have called out ‘Akon City’ for its lackluster progress.

Akon’s multi-billion dollar quest to build a metropolis in Senegal faces a new ultimatum. The Senegalese government has threatened to take away the land designated for the project if the singer does not start construction.

The artist announced the establishment of “Akon City” in 2020. However, the lack of substantial progress on its creation has the Senegalese government applying pressure. Their government initially granted 136 acres of rural land along thee Atlantic coastline for construction.

The project sought to boast eco-friendly innovation and technology, similar to that of Wakanda, the fictional, advanced African nation of Marvel’s “Black Panther.” The plans included housing complexes, a university, and amusement parks to boost the country’s tourism and economy. Moreover, the area, located south of Senegal’s major city of Dakar, would run on solar power and Akoin, a crypto-currency named after the singer. Much like the city, the coin has also fallen into decline.

However, the progress of bringing that idea into reality has stalled. Currently, only one concrete block stands, with the rest of the land still utilized for livestock purposes. Considering the plan launched 4 years ago, the Senegalese have given Akon a final warning to jump-start its development.

The notice was given by Sapco-Senegal, the government agency that oversees its tourism and coastal areas. According to the statement obtained by Bloomberg, Akon will lose 90% of the land bestowed to him if advancements on the project are not made.

Moreover, the development aimed to be a 10-year project, with a hospital and condos supposed to be completed last year. However, Akon’s consecutive missed payments to Sapco-Senegal have led to the ultimatum that could pull the plug overall.

Lawmakers have also called out “Akon City” for its lackluster progress. One even referred to it as a “scandal” to fellow members of parliament.

“Akon City is a scandal,” said legislator Bara Gaye in February 2023. “What is the government waiting for to end his contract?”

However, Akon remains adamant that he will break ground on his eponymously named city. He intends to return to Dakar to reassure the government of his plans, which include geotechnical studies and clearing of brush surrounding the area.  

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