Alabama woman Twyla Stallworth files lawsuit

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Source: Jacob Wackerhausen / Getty

Contrary to what they seem to believe, police officers are not all powerful. They don’t have authority to do whatever they want. They are not autonomous authorities who can bend men and women to their will. Moreover, when police officers are stepping out of bounds, you have every right to tell them to kick rocks, pound sand, and GTFOHWTBS.

According to a report in NPR, that is exactly what a 40-year-old woman from Andalusia, Alabama named Twyla Stallworth did and she was arrested inside her own home. Stallworth called 911 to report a noise violation on her neighbor for loud music. When police did not respond, she set off her own car alarm to get the neighbor’s attention. In turn, the neighbor called 911 over Stallworth’s car alarm and officer Grant Barton magically appeared.

Barton threatened to give Stallworth a citation for her alarm and demanded that she show him her identification. The incident was captured on her 18-year-old son Jamari Marshall’s cell phone video camera.

In the suit, Stallworth alleges that she was assaulted and strip search before spending 15 hours in jail a forced to pay a $3000 bond for release. According to WTVY, Stallworth spoke publicly about why she stood up to the officer’s petty demands.

“Enough is enough for Black people and the Black community,” Stallworth told reporters at a news conference Thursday announcing the lawsuit.

Stand boldly for your rights and always cover yourself. Have a camera and make sure you’re recording because without evidence, you lose every time,” she added, referencing the cellphone video of her arrest captured by her 18-year-old son, Jermari Marshall.

Enough is indeed enough. J

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