As BLM Global Network Foundation Rebrands Itself, They Will Take Down $30,000,000 (estimated) With Little Oversight.

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( It appears Cicley Gay, and Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) want no part, of helping American workers, and especially Black American workers economically, who have an August 10.6% unemployment rate, which places them in a Great Recession. Gay, BLMGNF chair and administrator, says they are in the process of rebranding BLMGNF, which includes the following statement, among their talking points.

(This statement was taken from the New York Weekly – 9/17/2024, in an article by Nic Abelian): As she guides Black Lives Matter through this new phase (rebranding), Gay’s strategic vision is clear: to build an organization that not only responds to the urgent issues of today but also creates a sustainable framework for long-term change.

We gage Gay’s interest in helping African Americans, not by what she says, as what she says is to be taken, with a grain of salt, but by what she, and BLMGNF do. Notice the wording in the statement above, “the urgent issues of today.” Does this mean BLMGNF will no longer deal with, and focus on issues related to Black America, as they rebrand the organization, using donations specifically given for the purpose of helping African Americans? “The statement did not say, “the urgent African American issues of today,” but urgent issues of today,” which can be defined by BLMGNF to mean any issue it judges, to fit this category.

Are there not enough Black American issues? One such issue I’ve have been pursuing Gay and BLMGNF about and asking their help in resolving it, is the undercounting of our nation’s unemployment rates. What issue could be more urgent or pressing for Black American families, than rising black unemployment rates, and a current rate of 10.6% unemployment. Having dug deeply into the story surrounding Black American workers’ unemployment, and unemployment rates in general, it was found our nation’s unemployment rates are being undercounted, as a policy by the Democratic party.

This policy hurts All Americans economically, but Black American workers suffer the most because they have the highest unemployment rate of any worker group. This was brought to the attention of Gay and BLMGNF, several months ago. It was explained to Gay and BLMGNF’s two-person board of directors, this policy has existed for years, and there is a real opportunity to end it, based on the Democratic party’s need for votes in the November elections, which will be close per political pundits. The Democratic party, while saying they support American workers, professional, blue collar, union, and working-class Americans, everywhere, is actually undercounting the number of unemployed American workers, which leads to underreporting layoffs. (In essence, there are more of us unemployed, and laid-off than, what Mr. Biden and Democrats are saying, in their monthly Job Situation report; a lot more, and they have been getting away with it, since 1994).

William Penn said this, and it remains true to this very day – “Right is Right, even if everyone is against it, and Wrong is Wrong, even if everyone is for it.” The Democratic party is wrong, no matter how powerful and big they are, for undercounting our unemployment rates and layoffs. Can anyone see, how undercounting our unemployment rates benefits, us, as American workers? There is no upside, for American workers, when it comes to this policy, especially for African Americans. For more detailed evidence Democrats are undercounting our unemployment rates, click on this link; Having been made aware BLMGNF was managing $30,000,000 and knowing, if details of the scheme were exposed to a goodly number of American voters, they would find this odious policy objectionable. As voters become familiar with the facts and that this is actually happening, they would want to end this wronged headed policy of devaluing American workers, by Democrats, through undercounting our unemployment rates. Rather than undercounting our unemployment rates, the Democratic party should be lifting us up, as American workers, especially Black Americans, who are a major part and supporters of their coalition.

Contacting BLMGNF, I offered them a plan, as an expert consultant, to expose, and end this policy. Having researched, and written about this vile policy for years, the plan centered on “teaching the electorate about how this scam worked,” and its impact. Given that, if American voters were informed, they would make an informed decision. Never got a reply from Gay and BLMGNF, in regard to that plan. There was some growing concern, in that BLMGNF, having received millions of dollars of donations to help Black Americans, was now turning their backs on them, and indeed All-American workers. So, the following linked article was released. ( )

Not giving up on getting this issue before voters, before the upcoming November elections, Gay and BLMGNF were sent another proposal. This proposal did not focus on education but on informing voters of the scheme, when it came to undercounting our unemployment rates. It had become clear; Biden and Democrats were not going to give up the scam of undercounting our unemployment rates, without voters weighing in. And voters would have to be informed, before they could weigh in, before the November elections. After, the November elections, if Democrats win, they will have no incentive to change this vile policy, which the Biden-Harris administration want to make permanent, hurting future American workers.  Recently, I sent Gay and BLMGNF a follow-up e-mail on September 9th about the proposal which centered on full page ads in regional newspapers, having once again not gotten a reply. Here is pertinent information, from that e-mail.

1) Do you see BLMGNF funding the proposal presented to you with an estimated cost of $200,000.00 to $225,000.00 depending on the number of times and number of regional newspapers in the battle ground states the (a) full-page ad would appear regarding the nation’s unemployment rates? Keep in mind when the nation as a whole reached 10.0% unemployment in 2008 (a Great Recession), Mr. Obama requested and got $885 billion from Congress to deal with the problem.

2) If not, can you comment on why? Keep in mind your organization can run the full-page ads yourselves, reducing any aspects of mishandling of proceeds provided for the endeavor, after paying the earned consultant fee.

3) Essentially, do you feel your organization has any obligation to donors and Black America to involve BLMGNF in the issue of discrepancies in our unemployment rates?

By posting nonpartisan full-page ads, regarding the Truth, when it comes to our real unemployment rates in regional newspapers of the battleground states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, North Carolina and Georgia, BLM Global Network Foundation will shake up the November elections, forcing both political parties to scramble, and respond to the Truth about the policy of undercounting our unemployment rates, hiding our layoffs. The Biden-Harris administration will have to defend their usage of the U-3 category rate of 4.2% for August, as being comprehensive of our unemployment situation, when economists have established the most comprehensive rate of American unemployment is the U-6 category rate, which is 7.9%, for August.

We are now in the seventh month of Black American workers being in a Great Recession, with their unemployment rate at, or above 10%, as the black rate averages 2.7% higher over the Real rate. And voters are not aware of this! The cost of helping American workers, and indeed Black Americans, to expose, and bring this repugnant policy to an end, will amount to less than one percent of the estimated $30,000,000 BLMGNF has in its coffers. By not running the ads, which are non-political, Cicley Gay, and the board members of BLM Global Network Foundation demonstrate, they have no interest in helping Black Americans economically, as indicated in our opening statement. It appears, they are truly looking for an opportunity to rebrand themselves “away from the obligation of using the donations, to effectively help Black Americans. There’s never been more at stake, as the nation and, African Americans endure their 3rd Recession in 16 years.

Staff Writer; James Davis

Mr. Davis is a Financial Analyst. His articles are about relating facts in a usable, truthful, and understandable way. That way, WE ALL WIN. James is, the author of three books, among them, “The Fix This Time,” Boost Your Retirement Income! Simultaneously Create Jobs and Spur Economic Growth ( Reach out to James @ his blog

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