Award-Winning Black Author Exposes Corporate Corruption in America in New Fictional Novel

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Nationwide — Author Greg Stallworth’s new book Guilty Is Not Enough, Life of a Whistleblower is a very suspenseful and dramatic story related to corporate corruption in America. He says that there has been an increase in corporate and political corruption in America, and there is a need to speak of its relevancy.

In addition, the book speaks of a very successful black corporate executive who discovers criminal corruption in the corporation where he is employed. Faced with a dilemma of staying quiet about what he knows and protecting his lucrative salary or deciding to become a corporate whistleblower not only risks his employment, but also his life if it is discovered that he went to the legal authorities with information.

The Whistleblower Protection Act was established in 1989 due to the increase in corporate and political corruption. It allows one to share what they know, avoiding prosecution and the risk of losing their employment. Because of this relevant topic, Greg has received a lot of acknowledgments regarding his story.

For example, Guilty Is Not Enough, Life of a Whistleblower received an official selection as a feature film script in 2024 by the Chicago Scripts Award. In addition, Greg will be a featured guest in a live interview with National Black Book Festival’s Black Authors Matter TV.

He says that the book is meant to initiate discussions of life challenges of a whistleblower in the workplace and community.

The book is available for purchase on Amazon

About the Author
For his work, Greg Stallworth has received numerous awards as both a playwright and an author across the country. Greg and his co-author Tracie Black will be traveling across the country to book fairs and symposiums to share their message on corporate corruption.

For press inquiries, contact or 513-617-4678.

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