Bath & Body Works candle recalled after KKK controversy

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Source: Justin Sullivan / Getty


We told you last week that this is the time of year when companies and people make fools of themselves with racist shenanigans and the hate train is as on-time as it has ever been.

According to a CNN report, Bath & Body Works has issued a public apology to the Black community and those offended by their latest Christmas capitalism cash-grab that just so happens to resemble the supreme symbol for hatred in AmeriKKKa…

Somehow, after dozens of executives laid their c-suite eyes on this design, it was still approved for sale to the general public. It’s SO easy to see how it looks like a gang of KKK klansmen that we literally can’t see it as anything else. Our negro eyes just won’t allow it and we aren’t the only ones. Social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and TikTok blew up once folks caught wind of the k-k-k-…controversy calling the home good a “klandle” or “Klan Krismas Kandle.”

Here’s the non-melanated mea culpa via CNN:

“At Bath and Body Works, we are committed to listening to our teams and customers, and committed to fixing any mistakes we make-even those that are unintentional like this one,” a spokesperson said. “We apologize to anyone we’ve offended and are swiftly working to have this item removed and are evaluating our process going forward.”

At this time, the candle has been pulled from shelves and online stores. CNN notes that those who ordered it after the controversy had their orders canceled.

Tell Santa KKKlaus that he can keep this one. No thanks.

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