Black Americans/White Americans: Human Trafficking

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( In the hushed corners of our society, a sinister industry flourishes, largely hidden and unspoken of. It’s an issue so shocking and perplexing that people tend to ignore it when brought to light. This is the pandemic of sex trafficking and child sex trafficking.

One might presume that in a civilized, developed nation like the United States, such a crime would be promptly detected, prosecuted, and eradicated. Yet, this is far from the truth. Sex trafficking thrives within our borders, and its true extent remains largely unknown. Prosecutors seldom uncover the crimes of traffickers, and sometimes, alarmingly, they choose to overlook them.

Consider the notorious case of Jeffrey Epstein. Despite a substantial federal investigation revealing enough evidence to out him behind bars for several lifetimes, Epstein was barely punished. Instead of dismantling a major human sex trafficking network which would have likely taken down numerous high profile celebrities and politicians, Epstein received a minor penalty, serving only 13 months in county jail, with the privilege of leaving for work six days a week.

In the United States, nearly 17,000 people are trafficked annually. And that’s all we know of.. Estimates from the Department of Health and Human Services suggest this number could range from 240,000 to 325,000. Each person trafficked represents a terrified, captive individual forced into a life of exploitation. They are sold from one person to another; their tales are each unique, compelling, and tragic.

Despite the harsh reality of human trafficking, why does it garner so little attention? Why is it that when a film like The Sound Of Freedom is released to spotlight human trafficking, it’s criticized as extremist and associated with QAnon? Why did the California Assembly reject a bill to increase penalties for human traffickers without any media backlash? Why do we often focus on less impactful issues?

The real question is, who is funding these campaigns to deride people who attempt to expose human traffickers?

It is tragically easy to find stories of human trafficking victims online. Here’s a story you’ve probably never heard of. A woman who was a victim of sex trafficking wrote an opinion piece about her harrowing experience in the Orlando Sentinel under the pseudonym Maria.

Maria dealt with the terrifying Hurricane Dorian which left her and her children homeless. Amidst the turmoil, she decided to send her children to live with their father’s family, while she sought refuge in a shelter. Soon after, she was approached by a man promising work and a new life. Tragically, this man turned out to be her trafficker. He lured her with false promises of a job, a home, and the chance to reunite with her children.

She realized something was wrong  upon arrival at a dilapidated house, far from the sunny Florida cottage she was promised. Thirteen people were crammed into this tiny space, working day and night for a meager wage that barely met their basic needs, let alone providing an escape. She was trafficked in plain sight, working as a maid at a high-end Florida resort and on the cleaning crew of a major theme park, all under the guise of a staffing agency run by her captors. Her ordeal only ended when law enforcement raided her workplace.

Children, due to their innocence and naivety, are particularly vulnerable too. Traffickers may lure them with gifts, friendship, or attention, gradually grooming them to trust and depend on their abuser. In other cases, children may be sold or coerced into trafficking by family members or acquaintances.

Sex trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry, fueled by demand and facilitated by a lack of stringent enforcement and societal indifference. It thrives in the shadows, preying on the vulnerabilities of those least able to defend themselves. It’s a market where innocence is bought and sold, and where childhoods are stolen.

This is not merely a problem; it’s a crisis of our humanity. It’s a stain on our collective conscience, a stark reminder of the depths of human depravity. We must shatter the silence that surrounds sex trafficking. We must educate ourselves and our communities about the signs of trafficking and the ways in which we can help combat it. We must support survivors and advocate for stronger laws and stricter enforcement.

The fight against sex trafficking is a fight for the soul of our society. It’s a battle against the commodification of human beings, the exploitation of innocence, and the very idea that any person can be reduced to an object for sale.


Finish story here; Black Americans/White Americans: Human Trafficking – An American Tradition of Silence.

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