Black gay couple racially profiled at Bed, Bath & Beyond

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Source: PATRICK T. FALLON / Getty

It literally never fails. Anytime Black folks are living their Black a** lives during a time of Black a** celebration,  the soup cookies come to rain salt on our parade.

The latest viral example of racism involves a gay Black couple and a bigoted and bankrupted Bed, Bath & Beyond in Ohio. According to The Independent,  a man named Lamar Richards and his partner were shopping at the home goods store and purchased $600 worth of items before the police were called. A store employee can be heard on the now-viral video trying to defend the store’s decision to involve the bacon boys after Richards questioned their motives…

In response, the employee suggests says “there’s usually a question” when shoppers have too many “big purchase items”, suggesting they were acting in accordance with store policy.

Ubiquitous civil rights attorney shared Lamar’s 4-minute video of the offensive back-and-forth.

This bum a** excuse of business filed for bankruptcy back in April and all 475 stores in the United States will be closed for good by the end of June. While that might sound fitting, the unfortunate part is that there will be no “cancelling” or corporate escalation for accountability. Looks like the God, the universe, and Twitter will have to extract whatever form of justice that can be achieved given the situation.

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