Black List Teams Up With GM For $100,000 Filmmaker Program

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The Black List–a platform providing an annual survey of Hollywood executives’ favorite unproduced screenplays–and the GM Incubator Fund teamed up to launch their Writer-Driven Shorts Program which will award two emerging diverse filmmakers with a $100,000 grant toward production of a short film based on feature scripts.

GM will provide both selected filmmakers with vehicles for use in their shorts that will be submitted to major festivals for 2024 awards consideration.

Filmmakers, writers, directors and writer/director teams who have directed at least one narrative short film and have a completed feature-length screenplay are eligible for the Writer-Driven Shorts program consideration via the Black List’s website through August 15, 2023.

“Writer-driven says it all,” said Black List Founder Franklin Leonard. “We’re incredibly excited to collaborate with General Motors to provide resources for two screenwriters from underrepresented communities to direct short films based on their scripts with the long-term goal of getting their features financed with them at the helm. I could not be more excited to read the scripts that emerge from this process and see the shorts the selected writers direct based on them.”

All genres ranging from Romcoms to fantastical Sci-Fi are encouraged to submit for the Writer-Driven Shorts program.

In alignment with GM’s sustainable, all-electric future and aspiration to be the most inclusive company in the world, films showcasing sustainability, electrification and/or diversity will be highly considered.

Scripts with scenes of excessive violence, illegal drug or substance abuse, car crashes, unsafe driving and/or explicit sexual acts will not be considered.

“The GM Incubator Fund focuses on making strategic investments that provide underrepresented communities opportunities to aid in innovative content and storytelling,” said Tarshena Armstrong, GM Director of Multicultural Marketing and Development.

“Working with the Black List Writer-Driven Shorts Program, we look to make a meaningful impact within local communities while fostering equitable representation.”

As part of a broader commitment to a more equitable Hollywood, the Black List and the GM Incubator Fund will also grant fee waivers for one free month of hosting and two free evaluations on to the first 200 writers from traditionally underrepresented communities.

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