Black Women Empowered Launch New Business Network With Mathew Knowles, Jacqueline King, And Others

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Black Women Empowered, a global platform aimed to inspire women of color, has launched the Black Women Empowered Business Network.

The platform will unite leading business and inspiring leaders to share their roadmap to success.

Black women are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs, according to a Harvard Business Review report that found that 17% of Black women are in the process of starting or are running new businesses, compared to 10% of white women and 15% of white men. 

Additionally, while Black women represent 14% of the female population, they account for 42% of new women-owned businesses. 

Black Women Empowered

Black Women Empowered  was launched in 2012 by Dr Jacqueline King on Facebook, to gather African American women who had common values.

It then expanded quickly over the past decade and now has a community of over three million majority Black female followers.

The Black Women Empowered Business Network

The Network is a membership-based platform that provides a space for learning, networking, daily inspiration and tailors towards personal and professional growth.

It also offers insights in wealth creation, entrepreneurship, marketing and business development, real estate, and mindset.

Dr Jacquline King said, “I wanted to create a positive and empowering space on the internet for my Black and Brown sisters.”

With King, the Black Women Empowered Business Network is also headed by Mathew Knowles of Music World Entertainment who is known for managing Destiny’s Child as well as the solo careers of his daughters ​​Beyoncé and Solange.

Also heading the network is Cathleen Trigg-Jones, an Emmy-award winning journalist and actress and Rishi Sood, a marketing consultant whose work has been featured by major media outlets. 

King told Ebony Entertainment in March when she first collaborated with Knowles, “Dr Knowles and I later connected on LinkedIn when I approached him about interviewing him for my platform.

“I told him I wanted to take BWE to another level and offer services and products to help Black and Brown women get to the next level. We talked about it and created a partnership with him, Rishi Sood and me.”

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