(BPRW) 2023 Motown Experience: Birth & Breastfeeding Conference | Press releases

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(BPRW) 2023 Motown Experience: Birth & Breastfeeding Conference

Breaking Barriers, Shaping Progress, Building Community

(Black PR Wire) Detroit, MI – The Black Mothers Breastfeeding Association (BMBFA) is excited to host The 2023 Motown Experience: Birth & Breastfeeding Conference from July 26th-28th. This event unites stakeholders in maternal-child health, focusing on enhancing the birth and breastfeeding journeys of Black families locally and nationwide.

The three-day conference offers live sessions, empowering the maternal-child health community through education, advocacy, and immersive visits to high-impactful perinatal care sites throughout Motown. Esteemed speakers, including celebrity guest Randi Rossario, will inspire participants and facilitate thought-provoking discussions. Keynote speakers, Dr. Joneigh S. Khaldun and Dr. Renée Canady, will share their expertise on public health issues and advancing health equity. The conference also includes vendors, performances, a silent auction, an immersive maternal-child health bus tour, and the annual Black Breastfeeding Caucus meeting.

“We want you to join us and experience Detroit through the lenses of Black mamas and those of us who are working to improve the conditions of maternal-child health in our great city,” states Kiddada Green, Founding Executive Director of BMBFA.

The conference is an opportunity for individuals with diverse experiences and backgrounds to take a deep dive into a solution-focused experience. Join us for a transformative event. You don’t want to miss out.

The BMBFA extends its profound gratitude for the invaluable support rendered by the esteemed W.K. Kellogg Foundation. We are also immensely thankful to our champion sponsor, Medela. To reserve your spot and gain access to this enriching experience, please visit bmbfa.org/conference. On-site tickets will be available.


About Black Mothers Breastfeeding Association

The Black Mothers Breastfeeding Association (BMBFA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community-based organization and the leader of many local, state, and national programs aligned with the organization’s mission to reduce racial inequities in breastfeeding support for Black families.

Find out more at BMBFA.org

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