(BPRW) Boosters Big & Small Set to Accelerate Harlem Rocket Tours — and Maritime Opportunities for Area Youth | Press releases

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(BPRW) Boosters Big & Small Set to Accelerate Harlem Rocket Tours — and Maritime Opportunities for Area Youth

From philanthropists to neighbors to corporate contributors, funding drive in April galvanizing support for summer debut of HARLEM ROCKET—and enrichment offerings for kids

(Black PR Wire) The Harlem Rocket, an exciting high-speed boat tour on the Hudson River, has announced their April drive to draw major new donors and small-dollar contributors, who earn rewards including the first-ever tickets sold for the vessel’s debut. Supporting enrichment and future employment opportunities for New York-area children and teens, the April fund drive kicks off with a Harlem event as well as direct outreach to motivated donors supporting youth opportunities around the greater metro region.

“Mentoring youth, empowering our community, sharing our history and culture, and bringing families and friends together — that’s The Harlem Rocket vision,” says Garry A. Johnson, founder and CEO of Harlem Rocket and Paradise Express Ferry LLC. “Yes, this fun, fast boat tour is the first family-friendly attraction to launch at the award-winning West Harlem Piers. Yet, even more so, it’s the spark for new opportunities for youth enrichment, workforce training, maritime jobs, and an activated, exciting riverside magnet for tourism and more.”

Galvanizing the community and enlisting high-profile organizations as “Rocket Riders” to support the movement, Harlem Rocket kicks off a public fundraising campaign at Harlem’s Chocolat, Tuesday, April 4th, 6—8:30pm (RSVP here). Details on contributing: www.indiegogo.com/projects/harlem-rocket#/

“Contribute for two great reasons,” adds Johnson, who also serves as economic development chair for NAACP’s state conference. “You’ll get discounted Rocket rides and special perks, all while opening eyes for our region’s youth to new experiences and career opportunities on New York’s waterways — because, ‘A Kid Can’t Be What a Kid Can’t See!’” 

Created in Harlem. Created for Everyone! 

“Riding on the Harlem Rocket is more than an exciting excursion,” says Michael A. Preston, cofounder and vice president of Government Affairs & Customer Experience. “It’s a way to create jobs, bring people together, and invest in our future. It’s a cultural and historic tour, and it will help reclaim the working waterfront for our legacy of maritime activity historically rooted in Black and Brown communities worldwide.”

Harlem Rocket has already raised funding to acquire a 90-passenger boat, now in overhaul at Derecktor Shipyards, the site of recent tours for 7- to 14-year-olds, says Preston. “Now we’re looking to raise $100,000 in small-dollar contributions through this campaign, to be matched and exceeded by corporate and institutional funding, including by recognized sponsors. This will contribute additional capital to launch our vessel, begin training new hires, expand career paths, and guarantee a rich array of community and kids’ programming.”

Adds Johnson, “Rocket Rider contributions bring fun rides but, more importantly, they directly benefit deserving children and students in New York City who will be inspired by and learn about the fascinating and growing world of maritime industries.” 

Contact C.C. Sullivan, +1 914.462.2096. B-roll available by request: vimeo.com/808133879 and imagery for press use at we.tl/t-zhAv6t6ZLV .


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