(BPRW) BW Empowered Launches Groundbreaking Book Project Celebrating Black Women’s Triumphs and Resilience | Press releases

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(BPRW) BW Empowered Launches Groundbreaking Book Project Celebrating Black Women’s Triumphs and Resilience

“In Their Own Words” invites Black women to share their stories of overcoming adversity and celebrates the beauty and diversity of their experiences.

(Black PR Wire) Raliegh, NC – BW Empowered, an emerging organization dedicated to empowering Black women, has announced the launch of its groundbreaking book project, “In Their Own Words: Black Women Share Stories of Triumph and Resilience.” The project aims to amplify the voices of Black women and celebrate their triumphs and resilience in the face of adversity.

Through personal essays, contributors will share their unique experiences, highlighting the diversity and beauty of Black women’s lives. The project seeks to create a space where Black women can tell their stories in their own words and inspire others who may be facing similar challenges.

“In Their Own Words” is not just a book, it’s a movement. It’s a call to action to recognize the contributions and experiences of Black women, celebrate their triumphs, and support their continued growth and success. Early submissions are encouraged, and the project welcomes voices from all corners of the Black female experience.

“This project is about creating a space for Black women to share their stories and celebrate their resilience,” said Lynn Graham, founder of BW Empowered. “We want to uplift and empower Black women and create a sense of community where our stories can be heard and appreciated.”

The book will be available in print and e-book format, with a portion of the proceeds going to support organizations dedicated to empowering Black women. The submission period runs from April 1, 2023 to July 31, 2023, and the final book will be released in early 2024.

For more information on the “In Their Own Words” book project, submission guidelines, and how to get involved, visit the BW Empowered website at www.bwempowered.com.

We look forward to hearing from Black women across the globe and celebrating their triumphs and resilience in “In Their Own Words.”

About BW Empowered

BW Empowered is dedicated to amplifying the voices of Black women. Our mission is to empower Black women to share their stories, connect with others, and effect positive change in their communities. We are committed to creating a space where Black women can be heard and supported. We believe that by sharing our stories and experiences, we can inspire and uplift one another, and create a better future for ourselves and our communities.

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