(BPRW) Tech Giant Microsoft Joins Forces with Atlanta-based Not-For-Profit to Support Aspiring Youth Creatives | Press releases

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(BPRW) Tech Giant Microsoft Joins Forces with Atlanta-based Not-For-Profit to Support Aspiring Youth Creatives

The Ann Cephus Family Fund (ACFF) and Microsoft Corporation officially kick off a city-wide effort to empower students in the Atlanta metro area who are pursuing careers in the Arts

(Black PR Wire) WHAT:  The Ann Cephus Family Fund (ACFF) and Microsoft Corporation as we officially kick off a city-wide effort to empower students in the Atlanta metro area who are pursuing careers in the Arts. Through this partnership, Microsoft will provide equipment services and software to youth over the next two years to give them the tools to explore various professions ranging from music and visual arts to production and songwriting.

This fundraiser event will support ACFF’s 3R9M (3 Roles in 9 Months) ​Youth Music Biz & Tech high school internship program. This job-training program is designed for at-risk high school creatives in the Atlanta metro area; and will begin efforts in Gwinnett County.

WHEN:  Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.

WHERE:  Microsoft, 200 17th Street Northwest, Atlanta, GA 30363

WHO:  Meet the visionary behind this effort – Latabia Woodward, Founder and Executive Director, Ann Cephus Family Fund.

“I’ve witnessed the music business first-hand and understand what it takes to build a successful career while navigating business challenges and staying true to your craft. I am fortunate to share my personal insight with the next generation of artists. Thus, in memory of my mother Ann Cephus, we are guiding and empowering young people with the knowledge to strive in both their secondary education and creative careers.” – Latabia Woodward

“Technology plays a significant role in the creative industry, including making access to tools and training more available. Our support for the Ann Cephus Family Fund allows our most vulnerable youth to begin their journey in the music industry and all of its career pathways.” – Darrell Booker, Microsoft Corporation, Corporate Affairs Specialist, Nonprofit Tech Acceleration for Black and African American Communities

This special event welcomes potential funders and artists from all walks who are enthusiastic about supporting youth with a bend towards the arts. The evening will also feature live music and visual art performances from local artists, including auction items.

WHY:  According to The Atlanta Jo​urnal Constitution, despite gains in graduation rates, Black and other students of color continue to have a significantly lower graduation rate than their white counterparts. Ann Cephus Family Fund Corporation is committed to embracing, inspiring and motivating student creatives to finish their basic secondary education and become contributing members of our society as they become adults.

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