Cardi B Demands $3.8 Million Tasha K Judgment Not Be Overturned

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Cardi was awarded the hefty judgement after a Georgia jury found Tasha liable for defamation, with the Bronx native accusing the Youtuber of spreading vicious lies about her online. In court, Cardi told the judge that the blogger posted videos accusing her of having an STD, having worked as an escort in the past, and that she used hard drugs.

The former Love & Hip Hop star vehemently denied the allegations, even submitting medical records that proved she did not have Herpes as Tasha claimed. In the end, the judge ended up awarding Cardi $1 million in general damages, $250k in medical expenses, $1.5 million in punitive damages, and another $1.3 million to cover her legal bills.

But, all these months later, Tasha still hasn’t paid Cardi her money, filing an appeal of the judgment while claiming it was improper.

Now, Cardi has gone to court to oppose the blogger, accusing Tasha K of being in the business of “spreading salacious rumors about celebrities for profit” in newly filed court documents. The motion said Tasha’s actions were not only vulgar, tasteless and rude, but said the unrelenting and self-described “campaign” was motivated by greed and spite. Cardi insists the jury made the right decision and wants the judgment to stand.

As Tasha appeals the court’s decision, Cardi has already started the process of collecting the millions she is owed. The rapper fired off multiple subpoenas to Tasha’s bank to seize any money she had, and the collection efforts are ongoing.

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