Caress Grants Extra 500k To Uplift Women Of Color Entrepreneurs

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The Caress Dreams Fund has donated millions, $2.25M to be exact, for the past three years toward women of color entrepreneurs with the desire to enact change in their industry. In partnership with IFundWomen, Caress has recommitted to supporting and uplifting women and minority owned brands through its financial support of an additional 500k to be dispersed amongst its 2023 cohort.

The monetary gift will be allocated to the members of this coveted group, who are inspiring business owners within the home goods, youth education, fashion and food industries, to name a few. Caress will bestow a 50k grant to each recipient to help take their businesses to the next level.

Alongside this award, each entrepreneur will become a part of IFundWomen’s Crowdfunding Accelerator coaching and networking group. This award-winning program will benefit these business-minded women with mentorship and guidance as grow advance their brands.

Caress and their co-founding group, IFundWomen, seek to bridge the gap between venture funding and businesses spearheaded by women of color, reporting that less than 1% of these entrepreneurs are afforded this type of financial support. Under the mission of creating an equitable business landscape for diverse businesswomen to thrive, Caress has aided multiple cohorts to gain capital, receive coaching, and build connections to expand their network.

As their primary demographic is women, the beauty and body care company has sought to champion business owners whose opportunities are often rare and not as accessible  in comparison to their white, male counterparts. However, in partnership with IFundWomen, Caress is able to directly provide those moments to change a business’ trajectory.

Taking a chance on Black women and other women of color is a step in an inclusive direction that allows all entrepreneurs, no matter the background, to succeed. As the program is only growing, potential applicants are encouraged to check on the next opening rounds during the summer. To learn more and support the endeavor, especially in its crowdfunding, explore iFundWomen’s homepage.

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