Chicago WestSide Running Club keeps the pace in its community

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Jackie Hoffman, president and founder of Peacerunners 773, photo courtesy Jackie Hoffman

Jackie Hoffman, president and founder of Peace Runners 773 was born and raised on the west side of Chicago, so he is no stranger to the ills poverty imposes on a community. As a child he suffered juvenile obesity; as an adult, he has set out to become an agent of change – not only for himself – but for others living in and around Garfield Park.

Tell me about the name Peace Runners, why did you use that name?
Peace Runners stands for peace, and I wanted to change the narrative that’s usually tied to Chicago’s inner-city communities. Peace, in Peace Runners, has a double meaning. From a wellness standpoint, it’s about bringing mental clarity, and calmness within one’s self that movement creates. We Peace Runners take space in our underserved communities and that creates safety that brings the community closer together.

Why did you start Peace Runners 773?
Peace Runners was started when I moved back home during the start of the Pandemic and my mom had a telehealth call with her doctor and he told her if she didn’t lose weight and change her eating habits, she could risk her life due to multiple health issues. I was a pescatarian and introduced her to the pescatarian lifestyle and then I challenged her to walk one mile a day. Me, my mom, and her doctor saw the difference. From there I noticed the lack of movement and increased obesity and health issues in the community and wanted to do more. That’s when I held Peace Runners first annual Juneteenth 5K and the response from the community was so positive, we had to continue it.

Why is it important to include some physical activity into your life?
It’s important to include physical activity because it helps us maintain our weight, lowers the risk of diseases, improves mental health, and it also helps you improve managing your everyday stressors and day-to-day life activities. Physical activity also plays a major role in gaining confidence, and self-esteem.

What running distance do Peace Runners 773 participate in?
Peace Runners provides a two-mile run with a mile walk for the community every Saturday.
Peace Runners hosts our annual Juneteenth event [along with]the Lawndale 5k; the Austin 5K, the Shamrock Shuffle, the Bank of America Chicago half marathon, and the Bank of America Chicago marathon.

What is your favorite distance to run? 
I’m biased. I love our community two-mile run or a 5k at a conversational pace. Our run community in Chicago is amazing so it’s a good way to meet and connect.

You have a diverse group of runners. How did that happen?
Our mission speaks for itself with the life expectancy in our Black communities being extremely low. The core group of our family is the people that are from this community and directly impacted by disinvestments in the community, the closing of multiple grocery stores and the lack of resources. Peace Runners showing up for our community to demand resources and rewriting the narrative brings about a sense of pride and unity for our community.

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