Chief Diversity Officers Honors & Awards Pays Homage To DEI Leaders

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BE brought together Black executives working to make sure DEI initiatives are implemented in companies nationwide.

BLACK ENTERPRISE held the second Chief Diversity Officer Summit & Honors event in New York City June 11. BE brought together Black executives who are working to make sure diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are the norm throughout corporate culture nationwide, and to acknowledged the incredible work of DEI officers by awarding the CDO Changemaker Award among others. Longtime advocates and pioneers who have championed and implemented DEI, before it became popular to do so, were presented the Lifetime Diversity Crusader Award. 

Maurice Cox is the former vice president of Diversity & Inclusion Development PEPSICO. Now retired, Cox stressed the importance of tenacity and urged those who follow in his footsteps to look deeply at their surrounding landscape to locate “barriers” that need to be eliminated. 

Ronald Parker accepted honors for his work as former president, CEO and expanded roles and PepsiCo.  Parker thanked BE and its late founder Earl G. Graves Sr. for his unwavering support throughout the years. 

James H. Lowry, senior advisor of Boston Consulting Group and president and founder of James H. Lowry & Associates, reminisced about the inception of BE. Lowry emphasized the importance of BE highlighting Black business. 

While shocked to be honored for her life’s work, Jackie Glenn—founder and CEO of Glenn Diversity Inclusion & HR Solutions—expressed deep gratitude for the acknowledgment. She emphasized scripture Isaiah 40:31 in her acceptance. 

Susan Reid, managing director and Global Head of Talent for Morgan Stanley, took the opportunity to show gratitude to those who lead. Shouting out her mentors who led the charge in the work and helped her propel in her career. 

Yolanda Friend, Inclusion and Diversity lead for Accenture North America, shared a personal message about family, loss, and love. Her message—while somber—was uplifting and contained a call to action to attendees, letting them know DEI work of begins at home. 

RELATED CONTENT: The Benefits Are On The Balance Sheet: Corporate America Must Stand By DEI And Chief Diversity Officers

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