City Of Memphis Wants $550M Tyre Nichols Lawsuit Dismissed

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Source: Lucy Garrett / Getty

These people have absolutely no shame and no sense of accountability. No wonder their police officers have run amok killing innocent, unarmed people.

Tyre Nichols was murdered by five Black police officers donning badges that represent the city of Memphis, but for some reason that city doesn’t believe that it has any culpability when it comes to their employee’s behavior or lack thereof. According to WREG Memphis, the city of Memphis has filed a motion to have the $550 million wrongful death lawsuit against them dismissed on the grounds that there is no evidence to hold them legally responsible.


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Source: Lucy Garrett / Getty

It’s 2023, and without even doing the research, it’s pretty safe to guess that cities across America have paid hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars to families who have lost loved ones to unjust police violence. What in the hell makes Memphis think that they are any different than the rest?

But here’s the craziest part…

Court documents also state “The Court should dismiss the claims against the City and, respectfully, turn its full attention to those individuals who are entirely responsible for the death of Mr. Nichols.”

The city is literally saying, “That’s on them” referring to Taddarius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Justin Smith, Emmitt Martin III, and Desmond Mills Jr. All five of those “men” were hired and subsequently fired by the city of Memphis so they clearly are responsible for those they bring into the fold. Can’t have it both ways. Is it “Oochie Wally” or “One Mic”?


Source: JONATHAN ERNST / Getty

Let them tell it, neither Ben Crump nor the other attorneys proved that an official department policy led to Nichols’ death. However, the ENTIRE SCORPION unit was disbanded. A unit that was conceptualized, promoted, and empowered by Memphis Police Chief Cerelyn “C.J.” Davis.

When it’s all said and done, the city of Memphis might not have to pay $550 million but they’re damn sure gonna reach in their pockets and pull out some money for this family. Believe that.

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