Daily Paper Celebrated Fete de la Musique The Right Way During Paris Fashion Week

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You may think people coming together to play music and dance in the streets only happens in the movies but in Europe, it’s an actual day called Fete de la Musique known in English as Music Day. On June 21st of every year, citizens and residents come together in their neighborhoods, parks, or other open public spaces to play music, dance, and laugh with one another. This celebration happening every year on the first day of summer or ‘summer solstice’ was intentional. Jack Lang the then Minister of Culture of France and Maurice Fleuret who took over for him created the celebration in 1982 in Paris. The day is now recognized in 120 countries around the globe. 

This year fashion brand Daily Paper decided to host an outside party. Fete de la Musique and Paris Fashion Week overlapped so the brand having a party made perfect sense. Various artists showed up and performed for guests while they danced, laughed, and vibe out together. Check out the pictures below from the event and guests enjoying each other during this year’s Fete de la Musique.

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