A Peacock original film titled “Praise This” premiered on April 7 and fans are raving about the movie. Starring Chloe Bailey, rapper Quavo and comedian Druski, the movie tells the story of a girl who relocates to Atlanta and adapts to a new church home. The film examines Christian beliefs, although it isn’t exclusively for Christians.
One stand-out feature of this film are the character’s costumes, hair, and makeup. The vibrant aesthetic of the movie was showcased through colorful clothing, big hair, and each character’s unique style. Professional dancer Valencia Lipscomb was honored to share her experience filming the new movie.
How was the hair and makeup experience for the cast behind the scenes?
Hair and makeup were done mainly by the crew on set. We had a long line of people sitting in front of mirrors that did makeup and maybe four or five hair stylists. Our days started early in the morning; we would take a break and eat lunch. This also included our male dancers, who may have needed some shaping up. I’m not a big makeup girl, so luckily, I know how to be brave and try new things. I’m tender-headed, so I like to cornrow my hair for the styles we were required to wear.
Are there any confidence-boosting techniques you all practiced?
We were all pretty familiar with each other as colleagues, so it was easy to be ourselves and have fun. We did TikTok and filmed content behind the scenes until we got the okay to release anything we had. Also, the networking behind the scenes gave us a real confidence boost, just getting to know everyone on set. It was a reminder that work could be fulfilling too.
What was it like working with celebrity figures like Chloe and Druski?
I had a great time, especially being around Druski. He’s so funny, and I just felt like somebody I knew before. Chloe Bailey was so friendly. Very high spirited, happy to be there, very friendly, and goofy like myself. I was honored to meet Michelle Williams, who we all know and love. It was just fun. Everybody is very personable.