Deputy Brutally Assaults and Knees Elderly Black Woman

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*A coalition of civil rights activists is calling for the immediate arrest and prosecution of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies who are captured on cellphone video detaining an elderly Black man and woman (a husband and wife) suspected of shoplifting from Winco a Lancaster (CA) grocery store and then brutally assaulting them.

A viral video shows that after two officers struggled to handcuff the husband, one of them walked directly to the wife. When the camera followed the officer, he’s shown grabbing the wife by the back of her neck before violently flinging her to the ground and pepper spraying her.

The person recording can be heard yelling for the cop to “get off of her” and not to hit her to no avail.

The cop is next seen kneeling on the wife’s neck, making you immediately picture ex-Minneapolis cop Derek Chavin’s murder of George Floyd.

The assault on the elderly pair has triggered a departmental use of force investigation.

“But that’s clearly not enough,” says activist Najee Ali, Director of Project Islamic Hope. “Both these deputies should be immediately arrested and charged with excessive force by Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon’s office. Gascon pledged to hold abusive law enforcement officers accountable when he was elected. This abuse by law enforcement officials of two elderly people one being a woman who was body-slammed and then pepper sprayed by the deputy is inexcusable.

“Gascon must send a strong message his office will prosecute officers who use excessive force whenever it happens.

“Our coalition is also calling for a meeting with Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna. We want the names of the deputies released and question why the deputy’s body cam footage wasn’t released until after the public had seen the cellphone video which went viral of deputies abusing the elderly pair, ” stated Ali.

Deputy Assaults Elderly Black Woman at a Winco supermarket in Lancaster by LA County deputy – screenshot

Date: Wednesday, July 5th
Time:10:00 am
Where: 211 West Temple Street Los Angeles CA 90012

Sponsored by:
Project Islamic Hope
Community Control Over The Police
National Action Network

Deputy Brutally Assaults and Knees Elderly Black Woman at Winco in LancasterDeputy Brutally Assaults and Knees Elderly Black Woman at a Winco supermarket in Lancaster – screenshot

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