Devout Christians: Toxic. :

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( Toxic… “containing or being poisonous, extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful”. We live in a sinful world which makes it toxic to Christians! We, however, allow toxic things access to our lives. Like when you pay to sit through a movie even though you know you shouldn’t but you do it anyway because you bought the ticket. Or watching TV with friends and you don’t want to come across as a “prude” so you continue to watch a show that you shouldn’t.

How about the music that you listen to. Have you stopped and listen carefully to the words? Some music has such vile and toxic words that if someone walked up to you and shouted them at you a fight would break out. Yes, there are songs that I grew up on and loved but now I find them inappropriate and toxic. That is how the Holy Spirit can help you grow out of your harmful past.

These are just a few of examples of allowing toxic things of this world to affect you and your judgment. A little compromise generally leads to more and more tearing down the righteousness of God in your mind and heart! Some decisions can be toxic!

Or how about the toxic friends that you “hang with”. If they were on a TV show that you were watching you would change the channel but instead you make excuses to keep them as “friends”. From the toxic vile words that come out of their mouths to the things that they talk you in to doing, you continue to hang-out with them. Yes Jesus ministered to sinners, tax collectors, prostitutes and the out-cast lepers. I’m not saying not to talk or be friendly with unbelievers but be cautious. Jesus ministered to them showing them the Way of the Lord through love and scriptures. Yes they need prayer but not you as their slave!

“I’m trying to help them out of the mess they’re in.” Good intentions doesn’t always produce good results. Too often you can get dragged right into their mess with them and be worse off then when you started! Keep in mind that no matter how hard you try you can’t force someone to make “the right decisions” if they don’t want to.

“But my friends go to church” or “All of my friends are Christians.” Examine their “fruit”. Do they seem to talk about others in “righteous gossip”? That’s where they mention a rumor that they heard from brother or sister so-and-so. When they tell others they start out with “We need to pray for so-and-so because they have been doing….”

1 Corinthians 5:11 “But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.” Those are some of the people who are toxic and can be harmful to YOU!

Staff Writer; Steve C.

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