Does Uncle Sam Want to Reinstate the Draft?

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The Journal of Steffanie Rivers

*The headline asks “Does Uncle Sam want to reinstate the draft? We’ll get to that shortly.  Here’s what you need to know. The Department of Defense spent $425 million dollars to fund JROTC programs in high schools across the country last year. Since its inception, JROTC classes have been offered as an elective. Students have been allowed to voluntarily sign up for the class.

Recently that has changed. Students are being enrolled in the military-style training course without their knowledge and without parental consent. Who made the change and why?

Advocates say JROTC classes teach discipline and pride in appearance, which should be mandatory. If that’s the case, why are mostly Black and Brown students getting drafted? Don’t White kids need discipline too? Click the video above for more details. You hear that Uncle Sam?

Steffanie Rivers

Steffanie Rivers is a freelance journalist living in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex. Email her at [email protected] with your comments, questions and speaking inquiries. Follow her @tcbstef on Instagram and Twitter.

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