Donald Trump Planning Campaign Rally With Rappers

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Source: Megan Varner / Getty

In the immortal words of the red-rockin’ Bompton rapper YG and deceased Crenshaw legend Nipsey Hussle, “F*** Donald Trump!”

Election day is growing closer and closer and the campaign shenanigans are about to go into full swing. According to a new report from News One via APNews, Donald Trump is planning to not only galvanize his MAGA base but also attempt to bring new voters under his red, white, and blue tent, Black voters.

Trump is said to be pushing his team to organize a big event at Madison Square Garden featuring hip-hop artists and likely anyone Black or Latino who Trump believes will sway the melanated masses. Despite this sad attempt at pandering, there is evidence that Trump and his conservative cohorts don’t really see the value in spreading their message to everyone.

Via AP

The Trump campaign removed its point person for coalitions and hasn’t announced a replacement. The Republican Party’s minority outreach offices across the country have been shuttered and replaced by businesses that include a check-cashing store, an ice cream shop and a sex-toy store. And campaign officials concede they are weeks away from rolling out any targeted programs.

When you really look back at the past 8-10 months the only thing Trump has tried to offer Black America are wack a** sneakers, a belief that having a mugshot makes him relatable, and popping up at Chick-fil-A under the assumption that Black folks must be there if chicken is being sold.

F*** Donald Trump.

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