Donald Trump’s Actions Confirm What Black Voters Already Knew. –

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( Not so long ago, nearly everybody except 92 percent of Black women pretended they didn’t know what Project 25 was.  They did that all the way up to Election Day while listening to what the “Would Be King” was clearly saying. Make no mistake, he told us over and over again.  Even to normally sensible white women on the subject of women’s rights, Hispanics who thought they were more privileged than Black people and some members of our own families voted for him anyway.  Don’t say we didn’t try to tell you where this Administration was going—and his direction included all of us—even the young people who voted for him anyway while we prepared for the disaster.

You no longer have to wonder where Trump is headed. He’s demonstrated who he is and who he cares about. That would be himself first, and not even about his like-minded people chosen to be in his cabinet to carry out his dirty work. (I know Scott and Donalds are glad he didn’t choose them! But for the fact their skin is Black, he might have! Ha! Ha!) Now look at his choices for education, health care and earned benefits like social security, and Veterans care for those who worked to save even people like him and those who dodged the part about being a soldier to keep the country safe that he’s now tearing down.

Those who voted for Trump because he was a “strongman” should now know what he meant. The word has different meanings, but they should have listened to his niece and nephew who long ago told us how Trump treated his own family, telling us about his nephew’s son to “let him die” and refusing to help! His niece, Dr. Mary Trump was out early trying to help us understand who this man really is—but too many didn’t listen.

I don’t know where you were when VP Kamala Harris was allowing you to see who he is during debates—that were no contest. Alongside her, he didn’t even get off the ground. She was so far ahead of him in intelligence and accomplishments! She would never have relied on Vladamir Putin to honor his promise to stop the Russians from bombing the innocent people of Ukraine. I will just bet you thought the “Would Be King” was so powerful he could have pulled that challenge off about ending that war the day he was President! Now you see, how the Ukrainians are still bravely holding on while the “Would Be King” has no influence with Putin.

I can just see all the military people who voted for this man, and look what he has done to them. I hope they can see he cares nothing about anybody not lining his pockets!

I can’t help but wonder while all these systems and rules of democracy are under attack, while all the racist actions are being taken (Now come on—really, did they have to rob the cemeteries that identified military records so no one would know who Generals Colin Powell and Cappie James were?  Did they think taking down the Pentagon’s website would mean no one would get to know Jackie Robinson was a military hero or the Tuskegee Airmen were super heroes in protecting what they thought was their country, too? Do they think they can erase Black History by defying schools to teach it?

Now that things are crystal clear Black people, let’s step up our game. Get involved in making the change we want to see. Let’s teach our own children Black History so they’ll know they come from a great people who refuse to return to the racist past of this country.  Let’s support the BUYCOTTS! Don’t spend your money where you’re not respected!

Written By Dr. E. Faye Williams

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