Ex Memphis cop lied about Tyre Nichols reckless driving

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The Memphis police officers who murdered Tyre Nichols are really the bottom of the barrel when it comes to boys in blue and that’s saying a lot when you consider the long history of abusive policing in America. Each and every day we get new details that deepen the depths of their despicable depravity. Today is no different.

According to an AP report, one of the officers who has been fired for Tyre’s murder admitted that he lied about the “reckless driving” he said he witnessed and drew his gun on the unarmed Black man immediately upon contact for no reason whatsoever. This new information came from police documents that have been filed to ensure he can never work in law enforcement again. Fired officer Preston Hemphill’s body camera showed that he and another officer initiated “disproportionate” aggression from the very beginning of the illegal traffic stop. Hemphill was not a part of the beating however he was captured saying, “I hope they stomp his a**!”

This wasn’t Hemphill’s only violation related to Tyre’s death. Commercial Appeal points out that the former cop was also cited for carrying a set of “personal” handcuffs that night that were not issued by the police department. Using unauthorized gear and weapons is a big “no-no” when it comes to proper protocol. This information also came from the report that was submitted to get Hemphill decertified from all police-related employment going forward.

As always, as more information comes out about these cops, we’ll make sure that it’s front-and-center so that it is never swept under the rug.

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