Folks living off Wendy Williams face financial peril since bank froze her money

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Wendy Williams (Photo credit: Bang Media)

The son of former daytime talk show queen Wendy Williams has been evicted from a luxury apartment in Miami due to nonpayment.

Kevin Hunter Jr. has been sued by the unnamed high rise apartment building after falling $70,000 in arrears since cut off from his mother’s money. In fact, Williams’ lost access to her money when Wells Fargo froze her bank accounts after she became besieged with serious mental and physical health ailments.

Additionally, Williams’ ex-husband Kevin Hunter Sr. claims he faces foreclosure on his home if Williams does not regain control of her own finances. Hunter uses the court-ordered alimony payments from Wiliams to pay the mortgage on his home, The Sun reports.

The newspaper reports that Williams dropped over $100,000 on the apartment for her 22-year-old son for the first year of the lease. It began in March 2021 and ended in February 2022. Hunter Jr. then agreed to pay the rent on the apartment after the lease term had passed.

According to the court documents obtained by the newspaper, Williams’ son told the court that he was a full-time student but had to take the year off to care for his mother. It has been widely reported that Williams, 58, has been beset with a host of medical maladies including Grave’s disease, hyperthyroidism, mental collapse as well as alcohol and drug addictions.

“My mom went through some health issues that put the court in control of her finances,” the court documents reportedly read, adding that “all of the financial support that she always gave stopped.”

Hunter Jr. continued, saying that “for medical and legal reasons, she has not been able to pay the rent for the past months since the 1-year lease ended and the court controlled her finances.”

The 22-year-old also stated that “happened very quickly and unexpectedly and I had no idea things would end up like this.”

Hunter Jr. has reportedly agreed to move out of the lux apartment. Meanwhile, his father Hunter Sr. is awaiting anxiously for Williams’ accounts to be opened back up in order to save his home.

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