From Emmett Till to Noah Bush, we are called to vote

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It’s not enough that in 1955, white domestic terrorists kidnapped a Black child (Emmett Till), tortured him, murdered him, and then dumped his mutilated body in a Mississippi River. It’s not enough that the two murderers who killed that Black child got off scot-free and then got paid by Life Magazine to tell the world how they killed Till. It’s not enough that the incident that led to Till being kidnapped, tortured, and murdered was instigated by the lies and white tears of Carolyn Bryant Donham, who was never held accountable for her part in that tragedy and was able to die of old age in 2023.

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In the years since a memorial was erected in Mississippi to acknowledge the brutal murder (again… OF A BLACK CHILD), white domestic terrorists have shot up and destroyed the marker multiple times (i.e. destroyed it, when it was replaced, they destroyed and defaced the next one, and the next one, and the…). So, not only was this Black child’s life and future stolen from him, but even his memory has been brutalized and desecrated… repeatedly.

Most recently, the newest and latest Till memorial was erected on the shores of the Tallahatchie River, where his body was unceremoniously dumped by his murderers. This latest memorial, however, is bulletproof, in hopes of being able to withstand the attacks in the future that are sure to come.

Till was murdered on Aug. 28, 1955, 69 years ago. Yet, the white nationalist hate that killed him lives on, continuing to add to the list of additional Emmett Tills (i.e. Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, Rekia Boyd, Freddie Gray, Noah Bush, etc.). Bush, you may recall, was the 8-year-old Black boy who was drowned to death by an 11-year-old white boy who received two years of confinement in a juvenile home.

A Trump-appointed judge recently dropped the federal charges against the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor. That same judge placed the blame for Taylor’s death on her boyfriend.

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Trump plans to allow those who murder Black children and adults or brutalize protesters championing Black rights and Black humanity (be they Black, white, Asian, Latino, etc.) to do so with White House sanction and thus get off scot-free like the killers of Till.

Voting matters now more than ever.

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