From Rising Start to Fallen Star. –

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( Angel, in all my days, I have never seen anyone go from rising star to fallen star as fast as you.  And it is one hundred percent your fault.

Last night I had breakfast with King Solomon and he suggested that you read Proverbs 14:12 where he says, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

Why would this Bible verse be appropriate for you at this time in your life?  Because my boy KRS-One told me, “Self-destruction, you’re headed for self-destruction.”

KRS-One is one of the Godfathers of rap music and produced an anti-violence rap song in 1988 titled “Self Destruction.”  The song featured some of the biggest names in rap:  Kool Moe Dee, MC Lyte, LL Cool J, Heavy D, Chuck D, Doug E. Fresh, to name a few.  They were pleading with our community to end the Black-on-Black violence and be more mindful of how certain behaviors can have a negative impact on our community and how we are viewed by the world.

Angel, you have not had the pleasure of meeting me, but I am sure our paths will cross at some point.

Basketball wise, you have a lot of potential, but I do not see you developing into your fullness because you are not committed to your craft.  You are more interested in being in the spotlight, not perfecting your craft.  You are more interested in likes, clicks, and followers on social media.

My challenge to you is simple and direct:  what things are you willing to give up right now to be the best athlete that you can be?

Have you taken time to study the lives, not just the careers, of Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, Kobe Bryant, Tiger Woods?

It is well documented how committed they were to being the best and the many sacrifices they made to be the best.  Are you willing to make that commitment?  Thus far, there is no evidence of that in your life.

Business-wise there are a lot of possibilities within your reach, but with your reckless lifestyle, you are one mistake away from losing it all!!!  Yes, you are riding high right now, making lots of money, being invited to all the hottest social gatherings.

You have an extremely narrow market appeal as far as endorsements.  You have no more than a 3-5 year shelf life as far as endorsement opportunities within the Hip-Hop world and then you will be cast aside.

Remember, your replacement is already in high school.  I would never, ever want my brand associated with someone like you.

You are a person walking on a high wire and the discussion is not whether you are going to fall; but rather when are you going to fall.

You are a very attractive person and that will get you into many doors alone; but after you have been passed around like a rag doll, like my sources have told me you are, then what?  Pretty girls come a dime a dozen.

Again, your replacement is already in high school and will be willing to do even more rachet things than you.

As the apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 6:12, “All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient:  all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.”

Just because you “can” walk out of your house looking like a prostitute, doesn’t mean you should.  What am I talking about?  Google Angel Reese and booty shorts.

Reese never misses an opportunity to play the victim card in her attempts to garner sympathy.  Who can forget her pitiful attempt at this during her notorious press conference in April after Caitlan Clark’s Iowa Buckeyes kicked their butts in the NCAA tournament?

Her faux attempt to use crocodile tears was laughable.  She went on an incomprehensible tirade about how she has been sexualized and objectified throughout social media.  Go to the 7:00 timestamp.

Yes, Angel, you are very attractive with an effervescent personality and do possess some undeveloped basketball skills that need to be nurtured; but these alone are not enough to make you a successful person.

I work with some of the biggest names in sports, business, entertainment, and politics.  People frequently ask me if I am their agent.  I unequivocally say NO!

An agent helps them make a living; I help them make a life.

You seem to be surrounded by people who are quite capable of helping you make a living; but I do not see anyone around you who is helping you make a life!

Yes, you are young and inexperienced in life and must be given the freedom to learn and grow.  But, at your age, do you really need someone to tell you not to have your sex life in the street? Or to constantly present yourself as a piece of meat to be gawked at?  Or leave your home half naked and bra-less with your twins moving like the giggling baby?

Yes, you are a grown woman, but who is there around you to tell you NO? Where is your mother who was a professional athlete or your cousin, Jordan Hawkins who currently plays in the N.B.A.?

Or is the problem, as some have told me, you are simply hardheaded?

Where are the people around you who are willing to cut relations with you if you continue to put your full body on display for public consumption or continue to exhibit other rachet behavior?

Everyone of your endorsement deals has a “moral” clause; at what point are they willing to end their deal with you because you are a drag on their corporate image?

Why is it that I have yet to find one photo of you in business attire?  Whether you know it or not, you are a business of one and should present yourself as such when off the court.

When you hit a bump in the road, and you will, you will find out that all your corporate connections will get a sudden case of laryngitis, ask Diddy about that.  Invitations to all the glitzy parties will dry up.  All the guys you have been getting intimate with will begin to leak all kinds of photos, text messages, and DMs, etc.

Because you are so hot in this moment, you probably will not be able to hear my words.

Your Louisiana State University (LSU) basketball coach, Kim Mulkey seems to be the only one in your life that has held you to account for your behavior as you were suspended for four games last year during your championship run at LSU.  I do hope you stay in touch with her and seek her counsel.

If your ego will allow you, I recommend you reach out to two people I have high regard for and who I think are doing everything the right way:  Syndey McLaughlin-Levrone, Olympic track star; and Skylar Diggins-Smith, WNBA player.

Both are phenomenally gorgeous, both are phenomenally successful in both their personal and business lives, and both are the definition of femininity.

As I often say, “You are a woman because of your age, but you are a lady because of your behavior.”

You are one out of two.

Staff Writer; Raynard Jackson

This talented brother is a Pulitzer Award nominated columnist and founder and chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party. BAFBF focuses on the Black entrepreneur. For more information about BAFBF, visit You can follow Raynard on Twitter; RealRaynardJ; on Gettr: RaynardJackson.

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