Hennither Gant: Faith-based HR expert guiding career paths

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By Rev. Dorothy S. Boulware
Word in Black

Through her company Career Image Solutions, Hennither Gant helps people and companies bring their best selves to work. Credit: Photo courtesy of Career Image Solutions

From helping businesses with recruitment or workforce development, to aiding folks who need help tailoring their resumes and prepping for interviews, Hennither Gant has it covered. The Baltimore-area resident and founder of Career Image Solutions, has spent the past 12 years bringing her human resources expertise, entrepreneurial expertise, and common-sense approach to her work.

“Through insightful consultations and assessments, we collaborate closely with our clients to uncover their professional identity and chart a course toward rewarding career paths aligned with their values and goals,” she tells Word In Black.

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Gant’s drive is rooted in her faith. 

“I love God, all things business and HR is my vehicle to bring change in the world,” she says on her website. Indeed, her enthusiasm for effective hiring strategies and integrity-based leadership in the workplace makes her a sought-after coach, panelist, and trainer. Word In Black caught up with her to find out more about how faith drives her work, and her approach to bringing the best out of everyone.

Q: What tools do you use to place people in the appropriate jobs?

Hennither Gant: Through an initial discovery call and a series of questionnaires focusing on their passions, work history, aspirations, and work habits, I guide individuals towards suitable career paths. By delving into their intrinsic motivations rather than simply following trends, I strive to align them with roles that resonate with their true calling. Sometimes, I incorporate personality assessments to gain deeper insights.

Q: Do people who already have a job often come to you because they are not satisfied with their job?

HG: Absolutely! It’s a common scenario. I often advise professionals that the optimal time to seek a new role is when they’re currently employed. Interestingly, dissatisfaction with the current job often stems from a deeper disconnect rather than surface-level grievances. Through coaching, we unearth that individuals may not be in touch with their authentic selves and aspirations. Taking the time for self-reflection often reveals their true desires and directions.

Q: In your dealings with employees, do they seek people who are spiritually gifted, or naturally gifted in certain areas?

HG: Yes, many employers, particularly smaller ones, emphasize desired personal attributes alongside technical skills. These qualities often include self-motivation, intuition, emotional intelligence, effective communication skills, solution-oriented mindset, and strong work ethic. I have particularly found that working professionals who are confident in who they are and know what they want, tend to stand out among the crowd of other applicants. Employers recognize the significance of holistic traits in potential hires beyond just technical proficiency.

Q: From your experience, what’s the value or outcome of having job satisfaction? Mentally, emotionally, and socially.

HG: Numerous studies consistently highlight the profound impact of job satisfaction on various aspects of well-being. It intricately links to mental and emotional health, productivity, and even physical well-being. Chronic dissatisfaction at work can elevate stress levels significantly. Considering that a considerable portion of one’s life is spent at work, aligning with meaningful pursuits can foster fulfillment and happiness, positively influencing other areas of life, including social connections and personal relationships. A helpful strategy is to reassess your life every 3 to 6 months, posing the question: “What should I stop, start and continue?”

This article was originally published by Word in Black.

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