Intuition plus a Dash of Hustle: Lara Adekoya on Following Her Instincts to Small Business Success

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In 2020, the world hit the pause button. Everything was closed, and social distancing was the new normal. Lara Adekoya, furloughed from her retail job and rejected from dental school, found herself at a crossroads. “I was really in this place of ‘well, I can’t go to dental school; I don’t have a job. What am I going to do?’” she remembers. So, she turned to her passion: baking.

Baking had always been a big part of Lara’s life, a way to express love learned from her mom. With time on her hands, she baked cookies by the dozen and opted out of overindulging, sharing the extras with friends and family around Los Angeles. The buzz about her cookies spread quickly.

Lara’s first big order came from a well-known record company to bake and ship 100+ cookies nationwide. Cleverly, she used low-cost and decorative packaging from local stores to get the job done. “Slowly but steadily, we got the order done, and it was very DIY in the beginning. I printed my stickers on printer paper.”

And just like that, Fleurs et Sel was born! Inspired by her time in France during high school, the former dental school student named her business after two things she loves: flowers and salt. With $800 of her savings, this bold woman registered her LLC and dove headfirst into her new venture with a fearless attitude: “What do I have to lose?”  Like millions of others across the country during this time, Lara bet on herself. Numerous entrepreneurs, similar to Lara, found State Farm® agents to be a valuable source of resources, tips, and other business-related support, helping them turn their small business aspirations into reality.

Lara’s bright vibe would make anyone want to know more, so when I asked if she would ever consider returning to dental school, she took me to church, “I was tired of being told no; I was tired of other people dictating my next step. Whether it was a job, Nordstrom, or dental school, I had all these people telling me no, and I’m so awesome.” she said. “I [thought], how is it that people are telling me no, and they’re inhibiting my next step?”

They say everything comes full circle, so the community Lara loves through food and nourishment has been the base of her support as she built her business.

Lara Adekoya and fiancé. Image: Courtesy of Lara Adekoya.

This very community has leaned in and been diverse, often unintentionally making her the only Black person in the room. However, Lara prides herself on not being a token. Instead, she stands as a testament to her capabilities and value, proudly representing her identity as a Black woman and confirming for everyone that she is the right person to be there. Lara is awesome.

State Farm is committed to communities by providing support to help you achieve and protect your growing business. So, State Farm agents are there to assist those on the verge of turning their business dreams into reality. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.

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