Juror In Young Thug’s RICO Case Sentenced To Jail For Filming

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Young Thug Source: Paras Griffin / Getty

A potential juror in the Young Thug RICO trial has found herself in jail after she was allegedly caught filming inside the courtroom.

The YSL RICO case against Young Thug is finally getting underway in Atlanta but the start has been a very bumpy road, to say the least. Right now the case is still currently in its jury selection process which has dragged on since January.

Earlier this year one potential juror skipped out on their public duty to enjoy the Dominican Republic instead and was ordered by the judge to write a research paper. Another potential juror received a warning over texting a news reporter about the jury selection process.

Now the AJC is reporting that a potential juror was allegedly caught videotaping inside the courtroom which is prohibited. The juror is only identified as juror 1004 and was caught filming a video on March 17th. Police originally believed she was live streaming but she admitted to Chief Judge Ural Glanville that it was just a video.

“It wasn’t live-streamed at all,” she told the judge before admitting she recorded a video and later deleted it. “I did take a video and then the young lady next to me said I couldn’t do that.”

Eventually, deputies confiscated the cell phone and found the video in the “recently deleted” folder of her cellular device.

“I went through a very long and arduous process of telling people what they could not do and you violated that,” Judge Glanville stated. “And you put this trial in jeopardy by doing that.”

Judge Glanville ordered juror 1004 to serve three days in jail for the recording after debating issuing a $1000 fine.

“On its face, this seems like a very severe punishment, but it’s different in gang trials because you’re dealing with people against whom retribution could be sought,” added defense attorney Lester Tate, who is not apart of the case.

Juror 1004 was handcuffed on the spot and escorted away and the arrest served as a stern warning to other potential jurors in the case. Hopefully, this will stop any more potential issues.

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