Kanye West claims that he’s retiring from music

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Kanye West has been in the music game for a long time; however, according to a text message thread, he’s walking away from the art form he loves. On July 9, Rich The Kid shared a message thread on his Instagram story from West, in which he mentioned retiring from music.

“I am retiring from professional music, West wrote. “Not sure what else to do.”

Rich The Kid responded in hopes of convincing West not to retire.

“Retire? Why? How? The ppl NEED you the music you & Ty & we have made the BIGGEST STAMP in culture to this date in 2024,” Rich The Kid said. “Drop Ye about mine & V2 and we do it all over again the kids need you big bra fasho maybe some time to chill but retiring ain’t it.”

Kanye West says he’s retiring from music 😳

“I am retiring from professional music”
“Not sure what else to do” pic.twitter.com/DLXTZcQkrn

— NFR Podcast (@nfr_podcast) July 9, 2024

Some people believe West may actually retire, while others think it might just be a ploy to get attention, something he always does when he has an upcoming project set to release.

Ye announcing his retirement just to drop Vultures 2 & 3 + plus his solo album all next week 😤 (I’m delusional) pic.twitter.com/mkTOWtrXxR

— DID KANYE RETIRE TODAY? (@didjesusdrop) July 9, 2024

“I mean why not. Artists usually never fully retire. Plus ye has fashion and other ventures to focus on,” one user said.

A few hours after Rich The Kid posted the message thread, news dropped that West was releasing a song on July 12 titled “Consequences.”

Rich The Kid also has an album releasing on July 19 which features two songs with West, and he’s the executive producer on the project. West knows how to grab people’s attention in the most dramatic way, and this may just be another one of those times.

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