Kelly Rowland Says Sharing Blue Ivy’s Sex Was The Worst Mistake

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Some mistakes die slowly, and after a decade, Kelly Rowland is still reeling with regret for prematurely revealing Blue Ivy’s sex.

Source: Erika Goldring / Getty

The 42-year-old recently sat down with the Yeah, I F*cked That Up podcast. When asked about “the biggest mistake you ever made in an interview,” Kelly did not hesitate with her response.

Her voice elevated as she told Billy Mann, “Oh my god! When I made a mistake and told the sex of Bey’s baby, like, when she was pregnant with Blue, referring to Jay-Z and Beyoncé’s first born. “That was the worst moment ever. The worst moment ever. It was such a mistake… because it was no one’s business.”

“And wait what happened, did she…?” Billy inquired about Beyonce’s response. “I mean disappointed, yes,” Kelly responded.

“I felt terrible. It wasn’t my news to share.” She added, “The ‘she’ just kind of slipped out. I was like uh-oh.”

The blunder occurred during a 2011 interview with BANG Showbiz just months after Queen Bey announced she was expecting at the MTV Video Music Awards. As she shared her thoughts about the new addition to the Carter family and potential baby gifts, she let the news slip,

“I’m so happy for my sister and her husband,” she told the British news outlet. “They’re so happy in this moment right now, as they should be. They’ve made a little bundle of love, I’m so excited for them.”

Kelly continued, “I have no idea what I’m going to buy Beyoncé at the baby shower because Jay is going to buy that little girl every single thing possible. She won’t be spoiled but she will be very well looked-after.”

The former Destiny’s Child member told Billy she didn’t immediately catch her mistake. It wasn’t until others pointed out her use of the feminine pronoun did she realize her mishap.

The Grammy winner opened up about another mortifying moment she heard her career was over after the flip.

Kelly Rowland Shares The Devastating Moment Sony Said Her Career Was Over: “I Was Really Fu—– Pissed”

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Source: Variety / Getty

Later in the interview, Kelly reflected on the disrespectful way she learned Sony dropped her from the label and “the most incorrect gossip ever written about” her.

Billy asked, “what’s the hardest ‘no’ you’ve ever received”, to which Kelly responded, “It wasn’t no but it was the way Sony let me go. That really did a number on me. I was really fu—– pissed”.

The Grammy winner says she wasn’t personally notified and learned of the news on the internet and the rest of the world. She recalled the headlines basically stating, “Kelly Rowland is no longer a viable artist.”

It was particularly heartbreaking considering she signed with Sony as a teenager with Destiny’s Child and sadly couldn’t recall anyone apologizing for the insensitive way she was released. The “Motivation” singer said it’s still a “trauma space” that she may need to work on. The boy mom felt rejected by the music industry and believed she “had no value”.

Kelly says it was “one of the most hurtful moments of her life”.

The actress then addressed the most ridiculous gossip that was ever written about her.

“Oh, that I was a man,” she said with a chuckle. “I think it was because of an outfit I wore or something like that. I mean, sometimes I guess I do come off a little androgynous.” However, the star says she won’t change her style despite her detractors, “I love androgyny all day! So, that’s me.”

You can check out the brown-skinned beauty’s full interview with Mr. Mann below:

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