Kevin Durant Ethers Fan Offering Advice For His Legacy

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Kevin Durant – Source: Patrick McDermott / Getty

Kevin Durant hopped on to X to respond to a Tweet from a fan offering non-solicited advice about his NBA legacy.

Social media will always be the biggest critic of professional athletes and most of them hire agencies to run their social media because the criticism is often so loud.

By contrast,  Kevin Durant is one of the few professional sports players who always seems unphased by social media chatter and will even join in debates with his detractors.

According to Bleacher Report, KD recently used his Twitter fingers to snappily respond to a tweet about his legacy.

@Philosfy tweeted on June 11;

“The only way KD can redeem his legacy is if he returns to the Thunder and wins them their first ever championship. Lebron style. Then all his sins will be forgiven.”

The light-hearted take came from a place of hope for the Thunder to succeed with Kevin Durant, but maybe mentioning KD’s legacy alongside LeBron James ‘ is where things took a wrong turn. KD’s legacy will be great no matter what as he has two NBA championships, two finals MVPs, and two All-Star Game MVPs.

KD took the time to respond to the fan’s tweet saying; “U ain’t god. Go get ready for work.”

The quick response was minor but we think it definitely delivered a gut punch.

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