LA sheriff’s deputy seen punching woman holding infant

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Source: Douglas Sacha / Getty

We’re telling you right now, this story is gonna make you go to church on Sunday because after you read and watch you’re gonna say some words that God won’t like.

According to a report by NBCNews, body camera footage has been released that shows an unidentified (eye-roll) Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy closed fist punching a young Black mother who was holding her infant child. The incident took place almost a year to the day on July 14, 2022. Officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle that did not have its headlights on, During the stop the deputies says they smell alcohol and noticed that three women holding small children in their arms without a car seat. At that time, the officers decided to arrest all the vehicle’s occupants for child endangerment.

That’s when s**t went way left.

You can see the clip below. We will warn you, it’s very disturbing and is very likely to raise your blood pressure.

Sheriff Robert Luna held a press conference to discuss the current status of this heinous violence against the mother.

There is no way in hell that this piece of s**t should be allowed to ever wear a badge or be in position of public authority ever again. Beyond that, he should be charged and convicted for commission of a violent crime and spend a commensurate amount of time in prison.

Police are just people. They should be subject to the consequences and repercussions that any other citizen would without protection.

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