Lawyers for Irvo Otieno’s accused killers offer defense

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Source: Ben Crump Law / Ben Crump Law

Anytime we have to write a story about a Black person dying at the hands of the police it is infuriating and sad. That said, this particular case was just made that much more rage-inducing because of the weak sauce excuses that the lawyers of the accused murderers are putting out for public consumption.

According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, several defense attorneys are speaking out following bond hearings for the death of Irvo Otieno, and what they are saying is going to grind your gears. One attorney reportedly said that all his client did was hold Irvo Otieno’s legs. Another stated that the only thing his client is guilty of is putting body weight on Otieno for a “short period of time.”

“At no time did he realize that Mr. Otieno … was in any danger whatsoever,” said attorney Caleb Kershner, who represents one of the seven Henrico County deputies who have been charged, along with three hospital employees.

If this is all these lawyers have to go on when they get to court then every single one of the accused is going to prison. To which we say, “that’s f***ing fantastic.: However, that idea of “Well, all they did is…” is pure trash.

Fortunately, the family lawyer Mark Krudys took note of the language that the defense used in court that suggested that each of them knew that Irvo Otieno was taken to the hospital because he was in desperate need of medical attention…

“Despite that they piled on him,” Krudys said. “Ten individuals.”

Bing bong.

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