Meet Five Of The Finalists In MedTech’s 2023 Pitch Competition

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These POC-led startups are the ones to watch, according to MedTech Color (MTC). 

Black and Latinx entrepreneurs are often overlooked when seeking venture capital funding – which is why MedTech’s competition is hugely beneficial for founders looking to break into the industry. 

The overall aim of this year’s competition will be to attract up-and-coming entrepreneurs raising equity for $250K to $3M. The final winners are set to be announced on March 3, 2023.

The non-profit organization’s annual pitch competition is a foundational start for medical technology early-stage startup’s creative, innovative technologies. Black and Hispanic founders can showcase their seed-stage innovations to win various benefits and awards. 

The platform’s third competition included chosen entries from almost 100 nationwide applicants. Out of all applicants, 10 POC-led MedTechs have made it to the finals. Let’s meet five of them.


Thermaband Zone, co-founded by Markea Dickinson and Debbie Dickinson, is a wearable device that helps users track their body’s temperature. The product also supplies its users with the health data they need to understand their bodies. The bracelet also syncs to a digital menopausal-related app that gives customers health insights. 

Youme Healthcare 

Youme Healthcare, founded by Hafeezah Muhammed, is an online and telehealth therapy platform for children, teens, and families. It specializes in assisting them with any behavioral or mental health problems they may have. Its personalized and comprehensive approach to mental health makes it the ideal platform for young people trying to improve their mental health. 

Movement Interactive 

Movement Interactive, founded by Dr. Eric Luster, is a life-saving platform for athletes and senior citizens to help detect traumatic brain injuries. The wearable device addresses silenced, life-altering events such as undiagnosed concussions and reported falls. The platform aims to build products that address health concerns and help save lives. 

JuneBrain Inc. 

JuneBrain Inc., founded by Samantha Scott, Ph.D., is a telehealth eye-scanning program that remotely detects and monitors neurological eye diseases for people with sclerosis. The platform was launched to empower the ophthalmology and neurology communities using telemedicine. 

Tanzen Medical, Inc. 

Tanzen Med, co-founded by Nilnjan Banerjee, is a wearable device used to aid adults and children in diagnosing and treating sleep movement disorders. The remote-monitoring device aims to improve the diagnosis and treatment management of sleep disorders such as insomnia. The widget tracks clinical sleep metrics during sleeping hours and provides a digital sleep diary to store patients’ subjective measurements. 

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