Message from the Publisher: We’re on break

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As the publisher of the Defender Newspaper for the past 25 years, I have always believed that our greatest asset is our staff. The dedication, creativity, and relentless pursuit of truth that each team member brings to their work are what make this media company and publication a trusted source of information and a beacon of integrity. However, in recent times, I have noticed a growing trend that concerns me deeply: the silent struggle with mental health.

Journalism is a demanding profession. The pressures of meeting deadlines, the emotional toll of covering distressing stories, and the constant drive for excellence can lead to significant stress. While we have always prioritized professional development and journalistic integrity, it’s time we also prioritize the well-being of our team. That is why I am giving our entire staff a weeklong mental health break.

The importance of pushing pause

In today’s fast-paced world, taking a break is often seen as a luxury, but it is, in fact, a necessity. Mental health is as important as physical health. Just as we would encourage someone to take time off to recover from a physical illness, we must also support taking time to recover from mental exhaustion. Stress, anxiety, and burnout are not just personal issues; they are workplace issues that affect performance, creativity, and overall job satisfaction.

By taking this break, we are sending a clear message: We value you not just as employees but as individuals. This week is an opportunity to rest, recharge, and reflect. It’s a time to engage in activities that bring joy, to spend time with loved ones, or simply to relax without the pressures of work.

The benefits of a Mental Health Break

While this is something we’ve decided to do, I’m hoping that other businesses will see the importance and follow suit. Research consistently shows that taking regular breaks leads to numerous benefits, including:

Increased Productivity: Rested minds are more creative and efficient. After a break, employees often return with renewed energy and fresh perspectives, leading to higher productivity.

Improved Mental Health: Taking time off helps reduce stress and anxiety. It allows individuals to decompress, which can prevent burnout and promote long-term mental well-being.

Enhanced Job Satisfaction: Employees who feel supported and valued are more satisfied with their jobs. This leads to greater loyalty, lower turnover rates, and a more positive work environment.

Better Team Dynamics: When employees return from a break, they are often more collaborative and better able to work together. A refreshed team is a more cohesive team.

Leading by example

As leaders, it’s important that we set the tone for our organization. By prioritizing mental health, we are not only supporting our current staff but also setting a standard for future employees. We are creating a culture where mental health is openly discussed and valued, where taking time off is seen as a strength, not a weakness.

Moving forward

This weeklong break is just the beginning. Investing in mental health is not just the right thing to do; it’s the smart thing to do. A mentally healthy workforce is a more engaged, productive, and creative workforce. By taking this step, we are not only improving the lives of our employees but also enhancing the quality of our work. Let’s take this time to recharge, and return ready to continue our important work with renewed vigor and passion.

In this issue

This entire issue is dedicated to mental health. Our outstanding team has compiled an array of stories that tackle mental health and profile those thought-leaders at the forefront of emotional wellness. And head over to We’ve spent the week highlighting stories about mental health. So we know there’s some news you can use. This entire edition is dedicated to helping you make your mental health a priority.

PS – Thank you ReShonda Tate for writing this message and giving birth to this special edition that is much needed.

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