Positioning Yourself to Be Blessed! : ThyBlackMan.com

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(ThyBlackMan.com) First things first! God wants to bless you beyond your wildest imagination. God is so powerful and wise. He is a unique God, a one of a kind, none like Him, no one even close. He makes every day, every person, every snowflake, every planet, every star and every galaxy unique. Not cloned or copied! For Him to be so unique and powerful blows me away. It is easy to understand why He answers prayer His way, He Is Unique! Just picture Him with His arms full of blessings to shower upon you. He is looking for you but you are not there. God calls your name but you don’t hear Him. It is because you are not positioned to be blessed. He is looking in a specific area to find you, where He waits for you, but you are not there.

Now, what does it take to get there, be positioned, close enough to hear God? First and foremost to repent and ask God to forgive you of your sins, to ask Him to help you forgive yourself, and to forgive others who have sinned, offend, upset, cut you off or anything that you would hold against someone (Mathew 18:21-35). By doing so you remove all obstacles that would come between you and God. Next, is to read His word and find out about Him, His Kingdom, His principles, His ways, His commands and discover His love. Draw close to Him and He will draw close to you, intimacy with your heavenly Father daily.

The next two may be the hardest. To totally submit to Him. Totally means totally! Every area of your life, everyone in your life and everything that is part of your life. You can’t expect God to pour out blessings into a life that isn’t willing to be completely open, honest and accessible to Him. This means admitting to yourself that you don’t know everything and that you don’t know better than God. It is where trust, faith and believing lives. Do you trust God enough to run your life? Look at the years of experience you have at ruining it. Submitting means hands off.

You don’t give it over to God then when you don’t get your way or your prayers aren’t answered your way then you take it back. Part of that submission is submitting your sins for His forgiveness. You submit your sickness and disease for His health. You submit your faults, failures and flaws for His perfectness. Submission isn’t just submitting to God’s authority but it is giving everything over to him, your problems, cares, sickness, broken relationships and struggles. Commit everything to God for He is totally committed to you!

Obedience is the next hardest area. It is the true measure of faith, trust, love, and worship you have for your God. If you say that you love Him but continually don’t keep His commands, how can you expect His blessing in your life? If you won’t trust Him in your finances, how can you expect Him to help you financially? If you say I worship only You, but you hold something against your fellow man, how can He bless you? If heaven is a place of forgiveness how will you get into Heaven? God said that He requires obedience not sacrifice. “Ya, I love God, but I’ll only obey God on things I feel like!?!” Where is your blessings?

Last but not least is thankfulness. Hindsight is 20/20. I bet there have been several times where God intervened in your life, saved your life, saved you from a bad decision, an accident, helped with a promotion, raise, relationship, healing of your soul/body/spirit. Not to mention the little daily blessings. You are blessed beyond what you may see or not see, know or not know, hear and not hear as blessings in your life. As Paul wrote that he learned to be content wherever he was. Just understanding that can be liberating. The opposite is to murmur about where you are or what you don’t have, which in most cases is all your own fault. What choices did you make to be in the hole you are in? Did your pride keep digging it deeper even though you knew it wasn’t where you were supposed to be?? In all things giving thanks to the Lord. Look for the blessings and you will find them.

How many times have you prayed then looked for the answer in a certain way and not find it only to find out that the answer came but some way else. Worst yet, the answer came but it was ignored, not acknowledged or you did not thank God for it. God deserves the thanks due Him for His goodness and blessings in your daily life. Look for God and you will find Him and His blessings will chase you down and over take you.

Positioning yourself to be blessed isn’t about what is in it for ME. It is about seeking God, totally submitted to God, loving God, obeying God, thanking God, and receiving all the blessings that He has for you. To be an obedient and willing spiller of His blessings. You don’t want to be the Christian who finally gets in the right position under God’s powerful faucet of blessings then opens an umbrella of doubt and still miss out on His blessings! Make yourself easy for God to find and for you to hear from God with your umbrella closed. Now go find someone to spill some blessing on everyday!

Staff Writer; Steve C.

Can contact this Christian brother at; SteveC@ThyBlackMan.com.


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