Racist AOL Account Linked To Scott Adams

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Scott Adams, cartoonist and author and creator of “Dilbert,” poses for a portrait with a life-sized Dilbert cutout in his home office on January 6, 2014, in Pleasanton, Calif. | Source: San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images / Getty

Look, I’m not sure what Dilbert creator Scott Adams thought he was doing when he filmed himself calling Black people a “hate group” he wants “nothing to do with” while suggesting white people, in general, “get the hell away from Black people” and stop trying to “help” us and then posted the video to YouTube. Maybe he was trying to make some kind of point about “cancel culture” and how it affects aggrieved white men by intentionally getting himself canceled. But if that were the case, it wouldn’t make much sense that he’s complaining about attacks on free speech after hundreds of newspapers dropped Dilbert  because it turns out that, in the 21st century, media outlets don’t wish to be associated with loud and proud racists. I mean, you can’t take a dump on your own lawn and then claim you were victimized after stepping in your own excrement—unless, of course, you’re a fragile white man with such a severe persecution complex that, in your mind, even self-inflicted cancellation proves you’re the real victim of systemic bias. 

All Adams really accomplished by going off on every Black person ever just because a single survey showed less than half of us agreed with the sentence, “It’s OK to be white”—which, by the way, was a saying that originated from white racists on a 4chan message board in 2017—is getting the fine folks on social media to dig into his background in order to determine just how long the whiny white millionaire has been a white tears-induced racist who, apparently hates all Black people who are not named Kanye West. (And probably Candace Owens, Jason Whitlock, Clarence Thomas, Herschel Walker and the rest of the “I’m not Black, I’m Ruckus” crew.)

In fact, recently, Adams was linked to an old AOL account in which he allegedly used screen names such as “n*ggerape,” “ura_****** (rhymes with trigger)” and “die_u_ch**k,” although it’s unclear whether Adams is the same Scott Adams behind the scottadams@aol.com account.

Of course, if we are, indeed, talking about the same Scott Adams, that sure would put Adam’s past Dilbert comic strip that had the protagonist sporting “white power” regalia into perspective.

It’s worth pointing out that, years ago, Adams admitted to using dummy AOL accounts to pose as his own fan on message boards, which adds a whole new level to how sad and attention-starved he is. Seriously, if Adams is this pressed for a social circle full of white supremacists and other assorted aggrieved white men,  maybe he should have posted his video directly to Donald Trump’s Truth Social platform instead of YouTube.

Anti-Black resentment is no substitute for therapy, folks. Maybe that’s the lesson here.


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Amid ‘Dilbert’ Backlash, Racist AOL Account Allegedly Linked To Scott Adams 
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