Rihanna Rocks Her Natural Locks At Fenty Hair Launch

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Rihanna is once again showing off her natural hair in honor of the latest line joining the Fenty family.

Source: Kayla Oaddams / Getty

The makeup mogul looked absolutely stunning at the launch of her new Fenty Hair brand in Los Angeles on Monday, June 10.

Rihanna let her natural curls, which are dyed honey blonde, be the star of the show for the evening, pairing the short cut with a soft makeup look and a red, monochromatic ensemble.

While giving a speech at the launch party, Rih teased that Fenty Hair is “probably the longest I’ve ever taken to create something” before correcting herself, saying “No, I lied, that’s R9.”

Still, that just goes to show how long the songstress has been working on her latest business endeavor, and now that it’s finally been put out into the world, it seems like she’s freed up some time to actually work on R9.

That’s essentially the same sentiment she echoed to Entertainment Tonight, telling the outlet that she’s finally ready to get back into the studio and put in some work on the album.

“Music for me is a new discovery, i’m rediscovering things,” she revealed on the carpet. “I have been working on the album for so long that I kinda just put all that stuff aside.”

“And now, I’m prepared to go back in the studio. Now, I’m prepared. So I’m gonna start,” she continued, emphasizing that this is only the beginning of her process.

When asked by the reporter if she’s essentially starting over with her album, Rihanna replied, “Yeah, starting over.”

“But I don’t wanna neglect the songs that I have,” she continued. “So I wanna go back and actually listen to stuff with new ears, with my new perspective, and then see what still applies, and what I still am in love with.”

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