School Official Accused Of Stealing $1.5M Worth Of Chicken Wings

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Chicken Wings Source: fdastudillo / Getty

Former school official charged with stealing 11,000 cases of chicken wings totaling $1.5M.

In the past year, we’ve all witnessed the raising cost of food around the country. Each month a new food item reaches historic prices leaving everyone puzzled. Currently, Eggs are the hot item with people on social media posting prices as high as $10 for a carton. If you open Tiktok some of the most viral videos are focused on eggs and how valuable they are at this moment. Before eggs became the most ridiculously priced item chicken wings held the crown. While most of us suffer the high prices one person in Chicago created a million-dollar scheme.

Former School Official Reportedly Stole 11k Cases Of Chicken Wings Totaling $1.5M Over 19 Months

According to NBC Chicago, Vera Liddell used her position as director of food services to defraud Harvey School District. Over a 19-month period, she stole more than 11,000 cases of chicken wings.

The scheme totaled over $1.5M in stolen taxpayer funds. Liddell’s scheme was exposed when the school district’s business manager audited the department. The audit showed the annual budget of $300k was exceeded only halfway into the school year. Furthermore, the massive amounts of chicken wings stood out and the school can’t serve wings to students because they contain bones. Now she’s on the hook for fraud which is a felony.

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