Seven Women Are Giving Back to Their Communities in a Major Way and Changing Lives One Person at a Time

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March is National Women’s Month!

Today we’re  taking out the time to highlight some women who are taking philanthropy to another level in their own communities, through tout their state & region, and throughout the United States of America!

They know that it truly does take a village and they are not afraid to take their high heels off and get their hands dirty to help save their community. Whether it’s providing transitional housing for single mothers and teenage runaways, food support to organizations that give food to the underprivileged, after school for children and/or vocational training to individuals re-entering society—these women have demonstrated that they understand the assignment!!!

It’s been said that when one gives back to their community, and that it can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. Plain and simple, giving is good for you! When we give to others it activates the areas of the brain associated with pleasure, social connection, and trust. Altruistic behavior releases endorphins in the brain and boosts happiness for us as well as the people we help.

The question: Who have YOU reached back to help? How do you plan to make an impact in another’s life in 2023? Who’s on your rescue list? Instead of talking about what’s not being done, where’s the shovel in your hand?

These 7 women have answered those questions! And have done so quite well!

Dr. Felicia Phillips– The One Millions Dream Foundation for Black Women and Girls is an empowerment-focused foundation passionate about engaging black women-owned businesses with best practices that enable them to achieve sustainable growth through the maximum utilization of tools and resources made available to them by programs offered through the foundation.

Over the last 6 years we have helped more than 3,000 businesses through our annual conference, MogulCon, business accelerators and 1:1 business coaching.  The economic impact of our services has generated over $100 Million (USD) in contracts with the help of our partners and stakeholders. This eco-system has empowered the businesses we serve to become competitive in the global marketplace, as well as create jobs and opportunities that will contribute to the communities where they live, work and play.

In 2022, the foundation signed a strategic alliance memorandum with the Small Business Administration (SBA) to provide additional resources and services that support the advancement of black women entrepreneurs.

Dr.K.C Fox-The Lady General Foundation’s mission is to create the next generation of leaders. We ensure that girls remain confident, motivated, inspired, and empowered to reach their FULL potential without oppression or fear of oppression. Our programs are tailored to help young leaders defy the odds by using critical thinking skills wrapped with mission planning and exemplary execution.


We’re teaching at an elevated level. We don’t do boxes, glass ceilings, or limitations. The young women we work with are trained to perform with a no boundaries mindset. Our Generals in Training are ages 9-17. With a 5-year case study and extended lifeline mentorship in place.


“Our leadership programming is based on military-style strategies.” says Dr.Fox. Founder K.C. Fox has taken the strategies she learned while in the military and incorporated their core principles of merit-based and performance-based activities to help the girls realize their leadership potential.

To date, they  have trained over 6,000 young minority females.

Tracey Gales—My Fresh Start focuses on providing downtrodden single mothers who have experienced domestic abuse with a brand new fresh start in life.

Job training, life skills, workforce development and vocational training are provided in order to assist the single mother to become marketable and have the skills needed to secure a livable wage and go forth to live a purposeful life.

Dr.Kerry Ann Zamore—The Zamore Foundation  501c3 is a nonprofit organization that focuses on fundraising and resource building, and community organizing  to build collaborative opportunities with local, state, federal, and private entities and to develop educational  workshops to include: Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Healthy Living Seminars, and Personal Life and Success Coaching and other social issues affecting families and communities. The Foundation utilizes interactive workshops and performing arts such as public service announcements, stage plays and films to strengthen and bring awareness and education to  issues affecting  families and communities.

Dr.Tyreese McAllister– The Ayana J. McAllister Legacy Foundation was created to address gun violence in the Black and Brown communities after 18-year-old Ayana was killed by gun violence in Washington, DC.  Ayana, a college freshman, is one of the many African American young adults killed, most likely by someone also Black.  Ayana’s parents, Mr. Anthony McAllister and Dr. Tyreese R. McAllister, created the foundation to address the disproportionate number of youth and young people who tragically end up on both sides of the gun. Mr. McAllister has served 30 years in juvenile justice, while Dr. McAllister has a 30-year career in trauma response in the Washington metropolitan area.  They have teamed up with other concerned citizens to address gun violence, including the former Director of Forensic Sciences for Washington, DC, and Joe Youcha, Founder of Building to Teach and the Seaport Foundation. The McAllister’s are dedicated to helping African American youth avoid gun violence, neither as victims nor perpetrators.  Dr. McAllister is often quoted saying, “No mother should have to bury their child or visit their child in prison.” The McAllister’s own and operate Clinical & Forensic Associates, Inc., where they provide mental health and wellness services.

The Ayana J.McAllister Foundation for the Awareness/Affects of Gun Violence

Dr. .Ashley Little- Dr. Ashley Little is the CEO/Founder/Visionary Author of The HBCU Experience Movement, the first Black-owned company to launch books written and published by prominent alumni throughout the world who attended Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs). As authors, they share a powerful collection of stories on how their unique college experience has molded them into the people they are today. The purpose of The HBCU Experience Movement is to change the narrative by sharing Black stories and investing financially back into our HBCUs to increase young alumni giving and enrollment. The award-winning bestselling authors won the Black Authors Matter TV Award in May of 2021, Inaugural Anthem Awards of 2022, as well as the International Book Awards by The American Book Fest. The books are also part of the, the world’s largest network of library content and services.

@thehbcuexperiencemovement (instagram)

Dr.Cheryl Polote-Williamson—Soul Reborn is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by best selling author, transformational speaker and entrepreneur, Dr. Cheryl Polote-Williamson. Through the help of community leaders, influencers and volunteers, Soul Reborn focuses on transforming the lives of disadvantaged, disenfranchised and previously incarcerated women by educating and equipping them with the tools for life and business. The organization addresses both the personal and professional development needs of women who struggle due to hurt, unforgiveness, grief, loss, or low self-esteem.

Dr. Tyreese McAllister
Dr. Felicia PhillipsDr. Felicia Phillips
Traycee GalesTraycee Gales
Dr. Cheryl Polote-WilliamsonDr. Cheryl Polote Williamson
Dr. K.C FoxDr. K.C Fox
Dr. Ashley LittleDr. Ashley Little
Dr. Kerry Ann ZamoreDr. Kerry Ann Zamore

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