Speak Your Miracle into Existence – Los Angeles Sentinel

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Dr. Jeanette Parker (File photo)

Take hold of your miracle with a mental commitment that it shall come to pass! 

You might say, “It hasn’t happened yet.” That’s a failing attitude. If you want to fail, keep thinking with a failure mindset. Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. 

Scripture is true: Speak to the mountain. You may think your miracle must be huge and enormous. In many cases, that is true. But be careful and mindful — miracles happen every day. Yes, every day, things can and do happen supernaturally. You see the evidence. Watch and see! 

If you’re not looking for a supernatural event, you will miss it. Believe! Claim your miracle. 

There may be obstacles. Does that mean what you are praying and believing for won’t happen? No! It’s in the works. You may be in a season of learning patience and developing your faith. Believe! 

Consider what happened in some healings. The soldier wanted his servant healed. What was his attitude? He approached the situation with confidence. His servant was paralyzed and near death. Did he give up and walk away? Absolutely not. 

In his mind, he knew there was a way for his servant to be healed. The invisible realm was at work on the miracle. He had heard about Jesus. Although he may not have realized it, he was preparing for a miracle. How? He financed the building of the synagogue and did wonderful things without expecting a reward. 

It was his friends and others who brought his good deeds to Jesus’ attention. His unselfish acts made him influential. Was he doing it to show off? It doesn’t appear that was his motive. Despite having many soldiers under his command, he showed a caring, compassionate attitude by seeking healing for just one. 

Because of his deeds, he gained the favor of religious Jews. They listened to him and disregarded the fact that he was a Gentile—something that was not traditional behavior. He was humble and had a disciple’s attitude. Jesus was astonished and pleased by his faith. 

He defied tradition by mingling with both Jews and Gentiles. He was not concerned with racial divisions. Some of his acquaintances encouraged Jesus to come and heal his servant. But the centurion, a leader of 100 soldiers, wouldn’t give up. 

“Speak the word.” That was his faith in action. 

And that is what we are being told to do—speak the word of faith! 

Jesus spoke the world into existence. He is the Creator. Jesus was so impressed with the centurion’s faith. The centurion said in Luke 7:7, “Say the word.” 

Jesus wants us to speak with faith, believing that what we declare shall be done. Just as the centurion commanded those under his authority without hesitation, and they obeyed, we too must speak with faith. 

Whatever we ask in His name, He hears us. And if He hears us, we know we have the petitions we have asked of Him, and we shall receive. 

Speak the word of faith. It won’t disappoint you. 

Thanks for reading! 

Jeanette Grattan Parker is the founder-superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School, 4514 Crenshaw Boulevard, L.A. 90043. For information, call 323-293-9826 or visit www.todaysfreshstart.org, Ask Dr. Jeanette TM “Inquiring Minds Want to Know.” All articles are copyright. All rights reserved © Questions? Errors? Let me know. Join Sundays for music and message at 11:30 a.m. by calling (712) 775-8971, code 266751. References: The Holy Bible, Matthew 8:5-13; Mark 2:1; Luke 7:7-10; John 4:46b-54.  Don’t stop praying and hoping. “Today is another great day to do good and to be successful.” 

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