‘The 85 South Show’ provides 3 tips every Black man must follow

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Karlous Miller, Chico Bean and DC Young Fly of the “85 South Show” at the Atlanta hawks-Chicago Bulls game on March 3, 2022. (Photo credit: Rashad Milligan for rolling out)

Life can be difficult. The stress of everyday life can be overwhelming for the typical adult; from bills to worries about the future, sometimes adults just need a brief escape. Instead of running from the realities of adulthood, “The 85 South Show” presents comedy in a way that confronts the tough times head-on and transforms them into humorous moments.

The show’s stars, Karlous Miller, Chico Bean and DC Young Fly, spoke to rolling out about the power of comedy as well as three tips for young Black men.

What are three tips you have for young Black men?

DC Young Fly: Stay prayed up, keep working and keep God first, ya dig? Yahweh’s the best.

Karlous Miller: Stay focused, believe in yourself, and try, try, try again.

Chico Bean: Get a job, make some money and stay away from the police if you can.

You all’s comedy is based on realism. Like speaking about some of the tough situations you all pressed through coming up. What is the importance of comedy and laughter in tough situations?

DC Young Fly: We just keep it real. That’s our pure comedy, especially for the culture. Nobody can tell our story better than us.

Karlous Miller: Black humor is so different. It’s so necessary. We laugh at a lot of things that we’re not supposed to. For all of us, we all took the point of view, as entertainers to keep it as real and relatable as we possibly could because that’s a broader audience as opposed to just trying to play to what you know.

Chico Bean: Tough situations aren’t tough when you can laugh at them. That’s what makes them not tough. If you don’t have any laughter in the tough things that you go through, then it makes it that much more difficult. So our job is to take all the things we go through as brothers and utilize that on stage so people see us and be able to use us as muses to be able to get them through everything they’re going through. So, it’s just a blessing to be able to be a blessing to other people.

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